[fic] caerdydd { coch [peter/emyr. 600 words. pg-13.]

Jul 22, 2009 16:34

.lliwiau'r enfys (coch)
[peter/emyr. pg-13. 600 words.]
notes; four red-related drabbles from various points in their relationship.
warnings; mentions of peter's depression.
summary; we sit together under the duvet, sharing bodyheat and sandwiches.

clickkk )

fic, !caerdydd

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Comments 9

briar_pipe July 23 2009, 03:20:48 UTC
So. This tiny fandom. Would I like it? Because I very much like this story, in an "omg hurts so beautiful crying inside" kind of way, which is my favorite kind of way.

I guess what I'm asking is, when I finish Skins, should I watch this next? And is it in English?

*licks you, delicious Rose*


graspthethorn July 23 2009, 14:57:12 UTC
Awwww, bb, you liked it? <3333 Wait, HANG ON, did it even make sense without canon knowledge? aahhaha I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad one.

in an "omg hurts so beautiful crying inside" kind of way
:'D HAPPY TEARS OF HAPPINESS. You are too lovely to me, I shall end up with an ego the size of the Isle of Wight OR SOMETHING. IDK. But still, yayayayay I am so so happy you liked it! Have my love/gratitude/first-born son. <3333

And OMG you would LOVE IT. Everyone who watches it loves it because it's so amazing/bizarre/hilarious/angstyangstyangsty ALL AT THE SAME TIME. And there's a lot of sex. A lot of it. Two episodes ago, Jamie had sexytiems with Sarah then went home to lovely lovely Emyr and had sex with him. All within like half-an-hour. AND THEN THEY WERE RANDOMLY BURGLED. WTF. Crazytimes.
Alas, it is not in English but Welsh. :'C But you should still watch it because if you do the fanbase increases by 50%. At the moment there are two fans. TWO. Tiny fandom is tiny. :DDDDD


briar_pipe July 23 2009, 21:45:55 UTC
IT DID, scarily enough. I'm used to reading fic before I see/read canon.

THEN YOUR EGO WOULD BE THE SIZE OF MY LOVE, AND ALL WOULD BE WELL. But if it's all the same to you, I'll hold your firstborn (once it's born) for a few minutes then hand it back. Babies are a lot of work. ^_^

OK, SOLD. TTLY FUCKING SOLD. Now here's my issue: I don't speak Welsh, and I'm actually working on my Portuguese right now, so there's little chance I'll get to start. Are there English summaries or subtitles available? While I can watch things totally raw in languages I don't speak, I'm liable to get mightily confused.

Small Fandoms R Us. I was in Clover and Onmyouji; I know what it is to have an audience of two. AND YET YOU PERSEVERE. That's love.


lilithilien July 24 2009, 22:22:00 UTC
Are there English summaries or subtitles available?

Rose is going to start subbing and posting these on Youtube, Y/Y?


lilithilien July 24 2009, 22:25:07 UTC
Who are these people? Why are they so beautiful and broken in my head? How did you make them so real? Yep, no idea of canon, at all, but I still feel like my heart's breaking just a little from this. Your images are always so sensual -- the raspberries, the wine, it's all so heady and humid and delicious.

YAY TINY FANDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


graspthethorn August 8 2009, 17:53:47 UTC

And o god *ego explosion*. Hahaha, I can't take credit for broken broken characters, they're like that already. All crazy and heartbreaking and I just want to pick them up and squish them together and make them see that they need each other :CCCCC. At the end of series three Peter had a breakdown and punched Emyr RIGHT IN THE FACE then stripped naked (despite the fact it was like -465738 degrees) and was all BROKEN and came up to Emyr and just CLUNG to him all "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU" and then he locked himself in the bathroom and stabbed himself. And it was so so sad and Emyr was hammering on the door all "PETER OPEN THE DOOR NOW ILU PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR" and omg :CCCC. You would have loved it. So so dark and angsty and heartbreaking.

Your images are always so sensual -- the raspberries, the wine, it's all so heady and humid and delicious.Thank you thank you thank you, Lilith. I always think what I'm putting ( ... )


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