#1 Brush & Texture sets

Jun 26, 2007 01:20

Hey all. I've been making various brushes and textures for personal use. However I have finally got the courage decided to share them. 5 large textures, and possibly another brush set coming up next! Enjoy :)

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brushes, textures, resources, graphixed

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Comments 42

zou June 1 2007, 19:37:53 UTC
Snagged the textures; thank you!


marishna June 6 2007, 04:32:40 UTC
I snagged the texture set and have credit you in my resource post. Thanks!


buyitinpacks June 7 2007, 19:54:36 UTC
I dladed the textures, thank you! Will credit when using!


anna_molly89 June 26 2007, 18:47:10 UTC
downloaded both... i like them.
will credit!
thank you. =)


prunae June 26 2007, 19:10:10 UTC
Thank you, I took both of them. I'll credit when I use them. :D


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