Security and Userinfo Icons

Feb 23, 2007 20:57

Follow the link below to download (as a .zip file) my security/userinfo icons. This is v2.0 because I added more community and syndicated colors. If the link is inactive, send me an email and I'll re-upload them. Please comment if you take them.


Clicky to Download

All users (regardless of account type) can change info icons and security icons using CSS for both S1 and S2.

Steps to implement these icons:
(1) Upload the images to the image hosting site of your choice
(2) Copy the image URLs
(3) Either generate your own CSS by using one of these tutorials:
Baldyman No More! by ephi or [S1] and [S2] Profile Icons by babytest
- Or -
(4) Use loveicon's Tiny Icon Generator

(1) As stated in the comments for lj_releases r14, padding around the userinfo icons has been tweaked, so you'll need to add !important to your CSS in order for things to display correctly.
(2) All of my icons are 12px by 12px except for the userinfo icon, which is 11px by 12px.
(3) The Tiny Icon Generator's codes may or may not change your security icons. It depends on the class under which they are defined in your layout style. Go here to get codes specific to your layout style. To change Security Icons using S1, follow these instructions by test_sommeil.
(4) As far as I know only Paid/Perm users can add the unlocked icon to Public posts.
(5) This works for Firefox, Opera, Netscape, and IE7. IE6 or less will also add a background color to the .png files because it sucks. Sorry, to those unfortunate enough to not be running a 'good' browser like Firefox.

For S1:


   (a) Go to Custom Options
   (b) Click on the Custom CSS link
   (c) Add your CSS to the Custom Stylesheet box
   (d) Save
There are a couple options:
   (a) Under add the CSS to your Layer's stylesheet
   (b) Follow this tutorial by kunzite1 but be sure to merge that code into your current print_custom_head if you have one.
   (c) Compile

Rules. Comment. Credit. Enjoy.

~ Julz

graphics, tiny icons, basic/plus accounts, tutorials, paid/perm accounts

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