Vidder: Loki
Title: Eventually The Birds Must Land
Song: A Miserable Heart
Artist: Marek Iwaszkiewicz
Warnings: spoilers up to 8x23
Category: general
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean
Summary: "If you finish this trial, you're dead Sam. - So?" All the sacrifices Sam had to make and how his brother couldn't let go.
Length: 4:12
YouTube A/N: First of all, huge thanks to minus2 (oldschoolyardgames on YT) for letting me shamelessly steal this amazing piece of music from her.
This is a pretty old video I made back in June for a team challenge thing-y and I'm only now able to post it so it can seem a bit late to the party.
Initially this was my take on the season finale and basically I had to sort out my thoughts and what better way to do it than analyze in visual form? Super simple, super slow and super long (sorry I'm not sorry?) self-indulgent video. I swear I had this whole speech made up in my head where I rambled about how I liked the season finale and stuff but I forgot the most of it /o\
You could have noticed that it's been pretty slow for me this last couple of weeks (month?). The reason to that is that my harddrive died and I lost pretty much everything so I had to go recover all of the footage I usually work with, meaning ~500GB of Supernatural eps which is... yeah. Took some time. Good news is now I'm pretty much back and plan on making many videos including the long awaited Hannibal video, Sleepy Hollow video (yay new show!), hopefully that Orphan Black video that I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned here somewhere. Anyway. Enough rambling, go and watch the video :)
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