Vid: How Low

Jul 12, 2010 05:29

FINALLY. This is my vid for Sweet Charity! Lovely boom_queen won me, so this is for you hon ♥

Vidder: Loki
Title: How Low
Song: How Low
Artist: Jose Gonzalez
Warnings: spoilers up to 5x22
Category: general
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam
Summary: "How low are you willing to go?"
Length: 2:35
File Size: 43 MB
Links: YouTube | Download 43 MB
A/N: I'm waaaaay too late with this, so first of all I'd like to say thank you to ever so awesome boom_queen who was so so patient and involved! ♥ This video came a long way from choosing the song to finally posting it.

We had a few absolutely different ideas about the video. I chose this song because it's really cool in its creepy way, and also - to be honest - I didn't want to make a Sam'n'Dean video numero 1929205467. This was much more interesting.

The idea of this video is that no matter how many people they save, there're always those who die. When it comes down to the choice - the brother or the others - they always choose the brother. Yes, it is selfish, but this is how it is. So, I wanted to show it.

Hope you enjoy :)

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How low
are you willing to go
before you reach all
your selfish goals.
Punch line after punch line
leaving us sore,
leaving us sore.

in your ill hustling
you're feeding a monster,
just feeding a monster.

after invasion,
this means war,
this means war.

Someday you'll be up to your knees
in the shit you seed.
All the gullible
that you mislead
won't be up or it.

Where to
will you relocate
now that it's war.
Now that it's war

comment ♥ | take | edit | steal | watch

Thank you :)

Also. I think some of you already know about this lottery thing I started recently. The rules are pretty simple - all you need to do is tell me a number from 1 to 10 and I'll make something for you. I already have a list of goodies, so the first person who tells me a certain number will get something from me. I'll post a proof that the list was made before later, when all the numbers are chosen.

vid, vid: supernatural

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