
Feb 23, 2010 23:10

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! affiliatepost, ! comm

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Comments 64

screamoutloud February 22 2010, 21:35:55 UTC
secretlytodream February 22 2010, 21:47:52 UTC
Hai there :)
Later I'll make a proper post with the representation of each comm. So stay tuned ;)


almostgaby February 23 2010, 00:03:07 UTC

lol there i did it right muahaha


secretlytodream February 23 2010, 00:05:53 UTC
yo! \o/
Thanks ;)


sanguinegangrel February 25 2010, 05:08:55 UTC
Rockin theme on your journal, I love it. loved the last vid too. its good to do other things than SPN. Im putting up links to your LJ and You Tube on my new Supernatural RP boards. Just wanted to let you know you were being supported outside of the LJ family as well. if you want to take a look, you can find us here.


secretlytodream February 25 2010, 05:17:31 UTC
Oh, wow, thank you so so much! I really appreciate it.
How exactly should I put you down?


sanguinegangrel February 25 2010, 22:48:21 UTC
You can list us as a supporter, or dont have to list us at all...not looking for the recognition, just letting you know that we're here to support you and your great work. you do what we can't. you can link to my journal if you like.


secretlytodream February 25 2010, 23:21:39 UTC
I'd like to make a little art as a represantation of each comm/journal, do you maybe have a button or something? Or, if not, can I use a smaller version of your header?


a_phoenixdragon February 25 2010, 21:18:59 UTC
I would love to affiliate spn_dark_vault with this awesome comm - but it's generally a fic vault...*cries*



secretlytodream February 25 2010, 21:31:03 UTC
YAY! I'd love to. Fan fiction is huge creative part of the fandom, so I'd be honored to be affiliated with it :)


a_phoenixdragon February 26 2010, 19:56:03 UTC
Awesome! I just added you darling!



(The comment has been removed)

secretlytodream May 8 2010, 15:06:43 UTC
Sure thing :) I'll add you a little later, when I make a decent affiliate post *still fail at that lol*


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