Title: Picture Perfect (Part 11 of 12)

Mar 27, 2008 20:28

Title: Picture Perfect (Part 11 of 12)
Team Name: Spy for the DE's
Word Count: 100 (x3)
Rating: PG
Challenge: Back from the Dead
Characters: Hermione, Severus
Authors Notes: Go Brain Go! Getting closer to the end.

Part 10

Hermione was annoyed at having answers withheld, especially as she felt she had lived up to her end of the bargain. However, Snape soon exited the kitchens, up for bedevilment of some kind, and made it clear he wasn’t going to help her. Sighing, she looked at the parchments again.

The numbers, the runes, the equations, all scribbled hurriedly, swam in her mind’s eye and gave her a headache. This wasn’t fair! This was nothing she had ever learned in a textbook. This was all new, foreign…

She had become blind to a secret language that was once all hers.


“What’s that, mum?”

“A bloody mess.” Hermione sighed and put down her quill. “How were classes?”

“Fine. Professor Philter says I’m improving in Potions.”

“That’s good.” Hermione looked at Rose as if she could see the woman her daughter would become for the first time. She felt a curious smile playing around her mouth.

Rose looked interestedly at the parchment. “It’s Arithmancy.”

“I can’t understand it.”

Rose sat down beside her mother, taking her quill. She got out a fresh sheet of parchment and began to scribble on it.

Hermione drew her chair in closer and watched her daughter work.


“You got stuck here, just reverse the Vectors law and it works itself out, like this… “

Slowly, they worked through the night, and Hermione’s blindness began to lift as she watched Rose fiddle with the equations with ease. Soon, Hermione found a second quill and scribbled on the rough parchment as well.

“What’s this rune, mum?”

“It goes here. It’s your independent variable.”

With her fresh eyes and eager mind, Granger junior coaxed and teased the dormant genius that had been sleeping for so long in Granger senior.

“Look! I think that’s it!” Rose cried.

“But… what is it?”

death_ofme, back from the dead challenge

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