Title: Picture Perfect (Part 5 of 12)
Team Name: Spy for the DE's
Word Count: 100 (x2)
Rating: PG
Challenge: Back from the Dead
Characters: Hermione, Severus
Authors Notes: Hur hur hur, your fears of Epilogue compliancy have been CONFIRMED! Bwaaaah! Still not all the answers revealed yet - how much longer can Deathy keep up daily updates? Me don't know, argh!
Part 4
Hermione found him standing outside the Ravenclaw common room, arguing with the door to be allowed in.
“I was a Professor and Headmaster of this school-“
He looked up briefly. “Oh good, tell the bloody door to let me in.”
“If you think you can intrude upon my personal life-“
A young girl stood watching them curiously from the open doorway. “I heard a fuss… “
Snape looked taken aback. “She has red hair. Is she a Weasley?”
Hermione drew her daughter to her side, resigned to let events unfold as they may. “She’s Rose Granger. She’s mine.”
Of the three persons sitting in the empty common room, only Snape seemed to be comfortable. Hermione sat awkwardly across from him, and Rose fidgeted beside her, biting back a hundred questions.
“What are your best subjects?”
Rose looked to her mother questioningly, before answering. “Arithmancy and Charms.”
“Any you find difficult?”
He ‘tsked’ disappointedly, but seemed still to like her very much.
“Your mother was very good at Potions.”
This was news to Rose. She looked askance at her mother. “She was?”
Snape looked disturbed for the first time.
“Your achievements are something you keep from your children?”