Title: Blackmail (Part 3)
Challenge: Smut Challenge, Snape's Birthday
Team: Death Eaters, Naturally
Characters: Sev/Lucius/Hermione
Word Count: 700 (100 * 7)
Rating: M!
Warnings: PWP, Slash, Mature everything.
A/N: I honor of Sev’s birthday, I’m giving him something he would really want-some hot threesome seXx0rs! This is part 3 of "Blackmail," the story
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Comments 20
Much love, Sonia :)
Barring any suicides or structure fires, I'll try to update before morning. No promises ;)
"sd" means serial drabble.
Give me a few minutes to do it.
---grangersnape100 is not going to be the same after this serial. The server is overheating due to the content and I cannot use aquamenti on electronics. I have three cooling charms and a bubble with no oxgen to prevent spontanous combustion--
I dont need this stress!!!
Drox you are so funny ;)
I'm just glad I wasn't sipping my coffee when I read that. I can't affor a new laptop at the moment ;)
Depends how busy work is tomorrow...
And after Hermione, you can do Buzzy. *waits impatiently for my turn*
Dayum, woman. This is too hawt for this early in the morning.
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