Yuletide Potions

Dec 27, 2007 00:49

Title: Yuletide Potions XXI
Team: Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 7 x 100
Rating: all ages (G)
Challenges: Comfort and Joy, Christmas eve/day
Characters: Severus, Hermione, Minerva

Start at the beginning.
The most recent set.Hermione squeezed Severus’ hand as she released the Portkey and opened her eyes to the familiar sights of the apothecary ( Read more... )

comfort and joy challenge, order_rr, ginny_weasley31

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Comments 28

keladry_lupin December 27 2007, 07:57:00 UTC
*howls with laughter*

They have certainly gotten their revenge on Minerva for her meddling! I absolutely love it!


ginny_weasley31 December 27 2007, 16:32:12 UTC
:) Thank you. I had no clue what to do with the set when I began... you see, my urge was to begin to tie-up a plot point, but it would've taken a LOT to even think of finishing it off in a timely manner.


sshg316 December 27 2007, 07:57:39 UTC
Poor Minerva! *giggles* Oh, I shouldn't laugh at her plight, but it really is funny! That bit of comic relief was very refreshing after the more dramatic segments in Australia.

I have a HUGE guess as to how Hermione would like to repay her. *looks to Kribu*

Lovely, as always, my friend!


kribu December 27 2007, 09:31:50 UTC
I don't have a clue... *weeps*


droxy December 27 2007, 11:51:16 UTC


kribu December 27 2007, 12:38:18 UTC
Oh, that's just evil!



sbrande December 27 2007, 08:49:44 UTC
The imagine of Minerva will stick with me for a long time, LOL, very funny.

Thanking you!

Love Sonia :)


ginny_weasley31 December 27 2007, 16:33:28 UTC
LOL! Thank you!


kribu December 27 2007, 09:33:44 UTC
A very nice and fun set... now I just need to hope I'll get some idea in the next few hours as to what should come after this! *grins*

I really did enjoy it - poor Minerva! *giggles* It must have been quite the sight.


ginny_weasley31 December 27 2007, 16:35:36 UTC
Oh, I really tried to give you a wide berth while allowing a space to have time pass. :)

Yes, poor Minerva. And they just left her and didn't say "would you mind the shop?" Nothing. *snort*


kribu December 27 2007, 16:44:00 UTC
Oh, I think you did just fine, it's just me and my usual panicking! I'm sure I'll think of something once I stop wibbling and sit down to write.


septentrion1970 December 27 2007, 09:58:27 UTC
No rest for our couple, but at least, they're happy.


ginny_weasley31 December 27 2007, 16:36:17 UTC
No, no rest. That happens when you run a business, though. :)


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