Yuletide Potions VII

Dec 11, 2007 00:24

Title: Yuletide Potions - Part Seven
Team: Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 11 x 100 (but only eight of them will count)
Rating: G
Challenges: Coldest Winter, Comfort and Joy, Broken Memory Charm ... just a bunch of 'em.
Characters: Severus, Hermione, Minerva
A/N: And we're back to the beginning of the author circle! :D Sorry I'm posting this a tad late. Real life reared its ugly head this afternoon and evening, and then LJ decided to format everything wrong! Sigh. But it's up now. I hope you enjoy!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

Minerva stared out of her office window, her cup of tea rapidly cooling as she pondered recent events. She had made a few discreet inquiries and had learnt that Hermione had indeed ended her engagement to Ronald Weasley. Whilst she believed in the long run this was for the best, she was worried about the emotional well-being of her favourite former student.

She sipped the tea absentmindedly. Hermione had not been the same since she had returned from Australia without her parents. She had made a mistake-and Hermione Granger did not make mistakes. Ever. Her agony had been heart-wrenching.


Only Minerva and Severus knew of the Grangers' current status; they were living a kind of half-life, content in their present situation but aware that their memories were not fully intact. And only Minerva and Severus knew that Hermione had maintained contact with her parents and that she spent every free moment possible researching a potential cure.

Unfortunately, nothing Hermione had tried thus far had worked, and the young witch was fast losing hope.

Hermione had already lost so much. To lose her fiancé, her surrogate family, and perhaps her best friend all in one go, and just before Christmas….


The teacup clattered against the porcelain saucer as Minerva placed it on the desktop, her brow furrowed in concern. It had felt like an eternity before Hermione had healed enough to function in everyday life. Now her dear girl was hurting again; she did not yet realise that ending her engagement was the smartest decision she had ever made. She only knew that she was now more alone than she had ever been in her life.

It didn’t have to be that way.

It was quite obvious to Minerva that Severus had more than a passing interest in his employee.


Minerva fervently wished that Severus would finally wake up, see what was right under his prodigious nose, and make a move already!

The two of them were both blind as bats when it came to their feelings about the other. If you asked Hermione, she would say, “We’re friends.” If you asked Severus, he would sneer and mutter, “She is my employee. Now sod off.”

She pursed her lips. They were infuriating. All this time, and they still hadn’t realised their feelings!

It was time to take matters into her own hands. Her friends deserved a happy Christmas… preferably together.


Minerva flung open the door to Hogsmeade Apothecary and hurried inside. “Merlin’s teeth, it’s a bloody blizzard out there!” As she removed her tartan hat and gloves, she called out, “Hermione? I swear that girl is never around when you- Oh, there you are, dear.”

Hermione was standing in front of the front window, a cup of what smelled like hot chocolate clutched in her hands. “Hello, Minerva. What brings you out in such terrible weather?”

“I’ve come to see Severus. By any chance, is he here?” As if he would be anywhere else when Hermione is on the premises.


Hermione nodded. “Yes, he’s in the back,” she said absently as she turned to look out of the window once again.

Minerva noticed her pale complexion, and the dark circles under her eyes. “Are you all right?” she asked, laying a hand on Hermione’s arm.

Turning to face her, Hermione smiled briefly. “I’m fine. Just a bit tired. Oh, I should warn you.” Her smile turned sheepish. “I did bit of… erm… holiday decorating in Severus’ workshop.”

Minerva’s eyebrows shot up. “And you’re alive to tell the tale? It’s a Christmas miracle!” Her eyes gleamed in satisfaction as Hermione laughed.


A triumphant Minerva McGonagall swept into the workshop. It was only the briefest of moments before she was fighting back laughter of her own.

In the midst of a sea of red, green, gold, and silver sat Severus Snape, his black attire a stark contrast to the dizzying display of holiday cheer. The wireless was playing carols, and the air smelled of… biscuits and… peppermint? Her lips twitched in amusement.

Severus peered at her over the rims of his reading glasses, the book he had been carefully studying all but forgotten as he groaned. “What do you want? More blackmail?”


Minerva huffed exasperatedly. “Nonsense. Now come greet an old witch properly.” She clasped her hands together and waited expectantly. Severus rolled his eyes and removed his glasses before rising to place a kiss on her cheek. “That’s better,” she said primly. “This is quite… festive.”

Severus grunted as he returned to his seat. “I assure you, this is all Hermione’s doing.”

She snorted indelicately. “As if you would ever take part in such a colourful tradition.”

He sneered before reopening his book. “Did you need something, or did you just stop by to torture me?”

“What is it you’re reading?”


She hadn’t seen him this agitated since the war. Severus stood, swiftly moving to the door to the front of the shop and peeking around the corner. He pulled out his wand and muttered, “Muffliato. I don’t think you came here to discuss my reading habits.”

“Be that as it may, I am asking now, Mr Snape.”

Minerva watched as Severus’ posture changed, morphing into the schoolboy she had taught so long ago.

He sighed and beckoned her to approach, inviting her to read the title.

“Memory Charms Reversal: Advanced Theoretical Approaches.” She blinked and then gasped. “Oh, Severus!”


“Bloody hell, woman, did you have to cry?” Severus lamented as he provided a handkerchief and a cup of tea.

“Oh, shut it, Snape,” she warbled fondly as she wiped her eyes. “I think what you’re doing is wonderful.”

He scowled. “I’m not doing anything.”

“Of course not,” she replied placatingly. “You’re only helping her parents to regain their memories.”

“Now listen here, you old cat. I won’t have you harming Hermione with unfounded speculations.”

Minerva realised immediately that he didn’t want to build up false hopes in case he failed… not that he would admit to such a thing.


Suddenly, Hermione burst into the room, her eyes brimming with tears. Severus was at her side in an instant.

“What has happened?”

Trembling, she handed him a piece of parchment. His eyes scanned it quickly, and then to Minerva’s surprise, he gathered the girl in his arms, Hermione clinging to him as she sobbed. Severus was whispering in Hermione’s ear as he held her, and Minerva thought her heart might burst at the sight. Perhaps she wouldn’t need to interfere.

Then Hermione wrenched free of his grasp and raced from the room.

Or perhaps she would be needed after all.

To Part VIII

order_rr, sshg316

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