Title: Iconography
Challenge: Bookmark challenge
Team: The Order
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Hermione, Severus, Ron, Harry, Skeeter
bambu345 posted a lovely drabble,
Memento. Having read it, I told her that I now saw it as in the same mental universe as my drabble
Losing Your Place-that in my mind Hermione next found Snape’s photograph. Bambu made a deal with me. I write and post a drabble about Hermione finding the photograph, and she’d post one she wrote from the “distaff side.”
Like I’m going to turn down a chance for more Bambu? See,
Phantom Kiss.
“No wizarding photographs?” Harry asks.
We need that spark of soul for a portrait. Snape never set the spell that creates one upon death. Skeeter claimed Snape’s not among the Headmaster portraits because he “deserted his post.” When that came out in the Prophet, Ron and I had to restrain Harry from paying Skeeter a visit.
I think Snape just didn’t want to continue existing.
I found Muggle photographs of Snape in a box labelled “Eileen Snape” and pocketed one. I find myself taking the picture out from between the pages of my Hogwarts, a History, stroking his features gently.