A New Day

Jul 04, 2007 08:45

Title: A New Day (22/23)
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: All Ages
Challenge: Compulsion
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: Here’s the penultimate piece of my meandering drabble cluster in the "Silly Little Girl" universe. To see previous drabbles in the series, please go to the Table of Contents.

Only one more left after this!


Hermione dragged herself among the dead, wounded, and dismembered, searching for Snape.

No one could get her to leave.

Harry and Ron were under Molly’s tearful eyes. They were all alive, but many hadn’t been so lucky.

“Where is he?” she breathed raggedly.

Percy Weasley trailed her. “Hermione, this is a fool’s errand.”

She rounded on him, swaying with the effort to remain upright. “Don’t! I know … I’ve learned. Where is that bastard?"

“I do wish you’d find another term of endearment, Granger.”

“Snape!” There he stood, battered and bedamned, bloody and limping.

All would be right with her world.


After eight days, Hermione escaped St. Mungo’s. To her surprise she found Harry at the Shrieking Shack, packing.

“Are you all right?”

“I don’t really know.” He ruffled his hair. “I’m not sure what to do now.”

“Me either,” she confessed.

“What about your parents?”

“I’ll visit, but I can’t stay.”

He carefully looked at what he was doing. “What about Snape?”

“What about Snape?”

“Don’t you think you should see if there’s something there?” He felt the heat of her stare.

“You always hated him.”

“Yeah, but I grew up.”

Hermione snorted. “Haven’t we all?”

“So? Will you …?”


Next cluster The Once and Future Possibility


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