A Long Night---Part III

Mar 07, 2007 11:49

Title: A Long Night--Part III
Team: Spying for The Order
Rating: PG
Challenge: Hogwarts: A History
Word Count: 100 x 8
Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger
Summary: An argument leads Severus to think about his past.

A Long Night I-VI

A Long Night VII-XII

A Long Night XIII-End )

ginny_weasley31, hogwarts history challenge

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Comments 18

darkheartwalsh March 7 2007, 19:33:37 UTC
That was good. It had a nice ending. Very sweet and thoughtful.


ginny_weasley31 March 12 2007, 19:17:32 UTC
:) Thank you. I'm glad you liked it!


elfarren March 7 2007, 20:11:12 UTC
I wanted to wait until everything was posted before I left a comment . . .

This was so sweet! I had wondered for a moment where it was going after the last set came out, but you wrote such a nice resolution that now my questions have been answered. Bravo!


ginny_weasley31 March 12 2007, 19:18:22 UTC
:) Yes, I understand. (And here I am, late at replying, as usual.)

Glad you liked it.


septentrion1970 March 7 2007, 20:42:58 UTC
Very, very nice. And a happy ending can't hurt.


ginny_weasley31 March 12 2007, 19:19:04 UTC
*contented sigh*

Happy endings are a necessity... aren't they? Thanks!


sbrande March 7 2007, 21:42:00 UTC
Very well done! A beautiful ending to the perfect story. Thanks for writing it! Sonia :)


ginny_weasley31 March 12 2007, 19:20:33 UTC
:D Thank you, Sonia!


acciobook7 March 8 2007, 01:26:19 UTC


Very, very much worth the wait, I must admit. Excellent. I loved it.


acciobook7 March 8 2007, 04:01:39 UTC
By the way, I'm sulking because you are spying for the Order this week. What are we Death Eaters, chopped liver?


ginny_weasley31 March 12 2007, 19:22:33 UTC
And, as you already know... I posted you a drabble... not like you lot needed any points this week. LOL!


ginny_weasley31 March 12 2007, 19:21:24 UTC
LOL! I know, it did take me a bit to post. (I had a long week, last week... lots of personal stuff going on.)

Thank you!


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