Title: Couplets
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: All Ages, for now
Challenge: 2005’s #28, Leaving
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: I haven’t quite finished them, but it’s a series of couplets … each set containing one drabble from his POV, one from hers.
First set Second Set Third Set Fourth Set ~o0o~
His head snapped to the side with the impact of her hand. Part of him exulted that she’d touched him while another part called him a perverted sod.
She was panting, her breath puffs of steam; tendrils of hair, encrusted in ice, had escaped her hat. He’d never seen anything so beautiful.
He rubbed his face, and said ruefully, “I suppose you think I deserved that?”
“You did.”
She shuddered and he felt like a brute leaving her in the frigid day. “Would you like to come in?”
Her eyes flashed and she brushed past him and into his home.
A cheery fire blazed in the large fireplace of the one-room cabin. Under a loft, was an open kitchen, and, in one corner, stood a small table with a chair knocked to its side. Everywhere she looked were piles of books.
Involuntarily, she smiled.
Stripping off her heavy outerwear, Hermione crossed to the fire, then turned to look at him. Her handprint blossomed on his pale cheek and his eyes rested on her.
He’d once, briefly, been an open book to her. Now it was difficult read his expression.
She bit her lip, her emotions roiling. “Am I actually welcome?”