Fred and George Strike Again

Oct 25, 2006 11:08

Title: Fred and George Strike Again
Team: Spy for the Order
Challenge: Pumpkin Challenge
Rating: R
Characters: Severus, Hermione, others
Word Count: Drabble- 2300 words total (no I'm not joking)
Disclaimer: Not mine. See JKR.
Donation: Fair's fair. Last week the DE's got it. This week it all goes to the Order. Enjoy!


“Come on, Hermione, just try one!” Ron insisted.

“Yeah, Hermione.” George chimed in. “It’s perfectly-”

“Safe!” Fred finished.

“Nothing that comes out of you two’s shop is safe.” Hermione said, giving them a Snape-like look. “Explain the mechanics behind them to me again.”

George gave a snicker at her persistence, but obliged her nonetheless. “The objects are all symbols from the stories and act as portkeys in to the games. We got the idea-”

“From a muggle friend of dad’s” Fred interrupted. “He calls the games virtual reality.”

“So, each object will transport me into the game?” She asked skeptically.


“Yep!” Fred answered. “We’ve based the first round on muggle fairy tales. The apple is Snow White, the mirror is Alice in Wonderland, the gingerbread man is Hansel and Gretel and the pumpkin is Cinderella.”

“Yeah, but you don’t want to try the pumpkin.” Ron warned.

“Why not?” Hermione inquired.

“Fred and George made it as a Halloween joke.” Ginny told her pointedly. “Trust me, you couldn’t handle the story behind that one.”

“I think I can handle a childish fairy tale, Ginny.” Hermione huffed in a Snape-ish way.

“Not this version you couldn't!” Ginny rebuffed, offended by Hermione’s haughtiness.


“Oh really?” Hermione taunted. “Well, you seem to know everything tonight. What makes the pumpkin so different from the others, Ginerva?”

“Why don’t you give it a go, and find out!” Ginny dared her.

“Fine, I will!” Hermione countered, arrogance overshadowing her earlier leeriness to try even one of the safer of Fred and George’s new creations. “Give me the pumpkin, please.” She instructed George.

“No, Hermione, honestly, you don’t want to do that…” Ron said in an alarmed tone. “The Prince-”

“Give me the damn pumpkin!” She cried.

“Here you go.” Ginny said, lifting the pumpkin off the table.


Ginny handed the pumpkin to Hermione. “I’ll even perform the activation spell for you. Activus Fabula!”

Hermione felt the same tug on her navel that she’d felt each time she had apparated, and in an instant, she was in a whole new world.

“Come on, Miss!” Called a small man in a white suit who looked surprisingly like Flitwick. “You’ll be late for the ball!”

“Oh!” Hermione exclaimed as she looked down to see that she was in a beautiful Victorian style blue and white ball gown with gold trim. “Holy shit! I actually am Cinderella!” She cried in excitement.


“Who else would you be, dear?” Came a pleasant female voice from behind her.

Hermione turned around to see Professor Sprout dressed in a puffy pink dress with fairy wings attached. The woman was actually carrying a wand with a star! Hermione had a fleeting thought that Fred and George were a lot more talented than she initially gave them credit for.

“You must be my fairy godmother.” Hermione said politely.

“Yes dear, but the time for introductions passed nearly twenty minutes ago. You had better be off if you expect to make it to the ball!” Fairy Sprout insisted.


“Now, remember,” Fairy Sprout admonished in a voice worthy of Snape. “You must be home by midnight, else the magic will wear off in front of everyone. Now, just one more thing before you go.”

Fairy Sprout raised her fairy wand and pointed at a sad looking pumpkin several feet in front of Hermione. “Bippity, Boppity Boo!” Fairy Sprout cried, as the sad looking pumpkin instantly turned into a beautiful golden carriage. Beautiful snow white horses seemingly appeared of nowhere and attached themselves to the carriage, as Driver Flitwick climbed his way into the conductor’s seat of the golden chariot.


Hermione climbed into the beautiful vehicle and allowed Driver Flitwick to whisk her away to the ball. Within minutes she found herself staring at the familiar castle of Hogwarts, only this version was white as pure snow.

Flitwick pulled up to the front steps and made a show of climbing off his platform. Once he was safely on the ground, he rounded the carriage and opened the door for Hermione.

“Remember, Miss, midnight is the key! You mustn’t be here when the clock strikes twelve!” Driver Flitwick warned Snape-ishly.

“Don’t worry, I'll leave myself plenty of time.” She replied sweetly.


Hermione walked up the front steps and in through the main doors and was surprised to find the hallways completely devoid of people.

“Where is everybody?” She asked herself aloud.

As if her question was the signal for it, noise began to spring up from the Great Hall. She could hear loud, ballroom music and animated voices chattering away loudly. She walked in the direction of the apparent party and stopped when she got to the open double doors that led to her destination.

She was shocked. Fred and George had based this entire story around people from their lives!


Every single teacher was present at the ball, including Madam Hooch (who looked absolutely hilarious in a bright purple dress) and Professor Quirrel (who, for some reason, was now alive and well and still wearing his turban). The students of Hogwarts comprised the remainder of the guests at the party, faces ranging from Angelina Johnson to Draco Malfoy.

Hermione knew what her mission as the faux Cinderella would be, so she immediately set off in search of her fictitious prince. She wondered who Fred and George would have chosen for the part… technically, it could have been anyone at all.


They had said that the pumpkin was the ‘joke story,’ so it could have been one of them… but she doubted it.

Harry or Ron? Nah. Too obvious. She cringed at the thought that her Prince could be Hagrid. She found herself suddenly growing very protective of her fully exposed toes.

Finally, she decided to ask someone. She pulled aside a short blonde girl who looked an awful lot like Luna Lovegood and inquired as to the Prince’s whereabouts.

“Oh, the Prince?” Fairytale Luna immediately answered. “He’s on his throne up there at the Royal Head Table.” She replied dreamily.


Hermione could just make out the slumped figure of a dark-haired man in a brilliant off-white and gold suit. The man appeared to be hanging his head in disappointment of the previous events of his evening. Well, she was Cinderella, and she knew exactly what to do. She marched herself up to the royal throne and waited for the prince to acknowledge her. He simply sat up there with his head down and his shoulder length black hair blocking his face from her view. Eventually, she grew tired of waiting, and decided to make her presence known to the prince.


“Excuse me, your highness?” She asked quietly.

Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes grew wide as the Prince raised his head to look at her.

Snape? They chose SNAPE!? What the hell were the two of them thinking? Joke or no joke, this was not funny!

Prince Severus stood from his royal throne atop the Head table of Hogwarts and took her hand. Raising it to his lips, he placed a chaste kiss the back of her hand and gave her a soul melting look.

“Dance with me, Mademoiselle?” Prince Severus asked in an intriguingly seductive voice.


Woah. Even in dream land Snape’s voice was sexy enough to melt the elastic in her panties.

She complied with Prince Severus’ request and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. They danced a lovely waltz across the Great Hall during which Prince Severus never once tore his gaze away from hers.

When the dance was over, he stood with her in the middle of the floor and stared heated daggers into her eyes. The passion in his own eyes sent a shiver to Hermione’s core.

“What shall I call you, my dearest?” Prince Severus asked her smoothly.


Just then Hermione heard the loud ring of a bell in the distance and realized with a start that it was already midnight.

“Shit!” She yelled, running out of the Great Hall.

Prince Severus chased after her but was unable to catch her before she exited the grounds of Hogwarts.

As soon as Hermione put one foot outside of the gates, the entire scenery around her changed. She was back where she had started, standing next to a bland looking Flitwick, a sad looking pumpkin, and 6 white mice that she was sure had not been there a minute ago…


She looked down in dismay at the tattered Hogwarts uniform that she now wore. Bugger. She had the worst luck.

“Cinderella!” Came a harsh female voice from the mansion in front of her. “Get in this house this instant! You have cleaning to do!”

Hermione sighed, missing Prince Severus and wondering when this stupid story was going to end, but complying with the wishes of to be her horrifyingly evil faux stepmother.

When she stepped into the house she saw Madam Pince (how predictable) and the Patil twins waiting impatiently for her at the bottom of a set of luxurious marble stairs.


“Cinderella, clean up this mess! It’s almost noon and you’ve done nothing but daydream all morning!” Stepmother Pince berated her harshly.

Hermione felt confused. “Noon? But it was only just-” she turned to point towards the front windows to show these dunderheads that it was midnight, but the moment she did, she realized her mistake. This was a story. If locations can change in an instant, so can the time of day. Hermione was now staring out at a bright, clear, Prince Severus-free skyline.

She grabbed the mop at her side, and set to work on cleaning the floors.


‘Some game’, she thought coldly. If she wanted to do chores, she could do so back in her common room. She was beginning to regret ever thinking that Fred and George were talented inventors.

Moments later, there was a knock at the door. Stepmother Pince made a dash for the handle but Hermione beat her to it, flinging the door open and standing expectantly in its wake. Just as she had expected, Prince Severus was waiting for her on the other side. He scooped her up and carried her to his silver carriage, placing her gently on the bench seat.


‘Well, this isn’t so bad.’ She thought. “Could be worse” she said out loud. Instantly, and once again she had the feeling that her words were somehow triggering events in the tale, a note printed in Fred’s handwriting floated in through one of the open windows of Prince Severus' carriage:

Dear Reader,

Hope you like this next bit. If Professor McGonagall's the recipient of this joke gift, we’re truly sorry. If it’s anyone else, you must have done something to piss us off, so you deserve this. Enjoy the ending to your story. We know we will!

-Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes


Suddenly Hermione found herself atop a ridiculously large bed that was roughly the size of her dorm room. The bed was draped in layers upon layers of white and sheer silk, and it sat in the middle of a bedroom that was no smaller than the Great Hall.

To her horror, she was nude. Her unclothed form lay atop the layers of fine white silk, and she wondered what had just happened. A movement from the corner of the room drew her attention, and she moved her gaze to see the extremely naked form of Prince Severus moving towards her.


“Well, Cinderella, aren’t we a naughty girl?” Prince Severus asked in his husky, seductive voice.

He moved down onto the mattress and proceeded to rub his hand up the inside of her thigh, causing her breath to catch in her throat. He moved over her and used one hand to brace himself while the other moved to tug playfully at her nipple. Each pinch on her tender, pink flesh sent a jolt of pleasure straight to her nether regions. He lowered his face to taker he lips in a crushing kiss, at the same time positioning himself at her center.


With one, quick thrust he was inside of her, and she could not prevent the screams of his name that seemed to escape her mouth of their own accord. A few seconds later and she was over the edge, a heat coursing through her body straight down into her toes.

Prince Severus seemed to finish in time with her, as he rolled off to her side once she had caught her breath. She reached over to touch her imaginary lover when she realized with horror that he was no longer Prince Severus, but Severus Snape, black bat of the dungeons!


Snape was laying beside her, clad in his billowing black teaching robes with midnight colored frock button-up underneath, looking at her in triumph. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment. He handed it to her and looked on as she read it. The parchment had only one sentence on it:

Happy Halloween!

Suddenly her world was changing again, and she found herself back in the grown-up free living room of the Burrow.

Fred, George and Ginny were rolling on the ground and holding their sides, laughing hysterically with tears of amusement streaming down their faces.


Ron was giving her a concerned and genuinely frightened look. Hermione attempted to run, but was stopped immediately.

“Oh no you don’t!” Fred announced, bouncing up and blocking Hermione’s exit.

“Yeah,” George continued. “Aside from our little… Halloween prank at the end,” George winked at Fred, “what did you think of the Pumpkin Story?”

Hermione took a moment to try to calm her still sex-with-Severus-flushed face. Eventually, once she had regained some of her composure, she turned back to Fred and George.

“What do I think?” She said with a blush. “I think I should have chosen the apple.”


acciobook7, pumpkin challenge

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