Perchance to Dream Parts 14 - 20 (completed)

Jul 03, 2006 03:59

TITLE: Perchance to Dream - parts 14 -20 (complete)
TEAM: Spy - still feeding the Death Eaters
CHALLENGE: Broken Memory Charm

DISCLAIMERS: JKR is the millionaire, I’m just the hack.                                                                            AUTHORS NOTES:   What ever made me think I’d be able to slip away and write some tonight?   Well, I do confess that I’m a terribly slow writer, but now it’s finished!  Sorry it took so long.  The ending will make more sense if you’ve read the initial vignette.

Part one is here.

Parts 2 - 5 are here.

Parts 6 - 10 are here.

Parts 11 -13 are here.

Perchance to Dream

Part 14

Anger, shock, confusion - all were now warring within his mind.  Usually when his emotions were in such a shambles, he could still rely upon his superior logic; but now that too was failing him.  Nothing about his situation made any sense.  Hermione's constant shouting through the bathroom door was no help either.

"Answer me, Severus.  Please.  What's happening?  What do you think you remember?"

He wasn't sure what he really remembered anymore.  How much of this life was a lie?  He had to find some answers, and at the moment Hermione was the only one present to give them.


Part 15

"I am a wizard," he said through the door.  "You were my student at Hogwarts.  Why are you posing as my wife, and why are we now living as Muggles?"

"I've told you, we truly are married!  And we're here for your protection."

"Really?  Protection from what?  As I now recall, Voldemort is dead."

"Do you actually remember his death?"  Hermione asked.

Concentrating, Severus realized that his foggy, new-found memories seemed to end abruptly just before that night.  Nonetheless, he was certain it had happened.

"He is dead," Severus repeated.  "The war's over--we won--and still nobody trusts me."


Part 16

Severus was vaguely aware that he'd lost control of this surreal conversation, but still he hoped to find some answers.

"Why are my memories so spotty?" he said. "Why did you have to do this to me at all?"

"It was for your protection.  There are so many people, from both sides, who fear you and wish you dead."

He barked a laugh.  "And being married to you protects me how, exactly?"

It was now Hermione's turn to laugh.  "Not much, I suspect.  But that was never part of the original plan."

"Then tell me what the 'original plan' was."


Part 17

"I can't tell you about the plan; we're not quite finished yet."

"You are now!  Tell me the truth."

"You're not ready to remember yet, but the potions and the memory modification charms never worked completely on you; and Amnesiosium  potion or Obliviate are irreversible."

"So you now admit our marriage is just some 'memory modification?'"

"No!" She sounded pleading.  "We were working together on an alternative to the Amnesiosium potion when we started to grow closer. Eventually we fell in love and married, just before we started you on the new memory charms.  Don't you remember?"

"No," he lied.


Part 18

"Why should I believe anything you say?  For two years all you've given me is deception."

"No, for two years I've loved you! I've worked constantly to find an alternative; a real solution to your problem.  We're very close, but you must trust me."

"How can you hope I'll trust you now?"

"Fine," she said, sounding resigned.  "It'll make things more painful for you, but perhaps you'll believe yourself."

A small piece of parchment soon slid under the door.  As he read the terse note, scribbled in his own cramped handwriting, other, far worse memories returned.  And finally he understood.


Part 19

Miss Granger,

Please take this note seriously.  With most of the Order dead and the Ministry not believing me, I'm relying upon you.

Voldemort trusted me till the end.  Just before he and Potter destroyed each other, he passed his powers and knowledge directly into my mind, expecting me to revive him.  I didn't, but this knowledge is pushing me towards insanity, as I'm now powerful enough to become the next Dark Lord. The temptation festers more with each day.

Make me the Amnesiosium potion!  The world will only be safe if I forget ALL.  You must help me.



Part 20

"He's going to kill them!"  His scream was full of panic as he thrashed about.

"Severus, wake up!  You're just having another nightmare."  Hermione gently rubbed the shouting man until he calmed.

"The Dark Lord - he's wants me to kill them!"

Sighing, Hermione wrapped her arms around her agitated husband.  "Now Severus, you know these nightmares aren't real."

"But they feel so real."

"Come, let's get some tea and your medicine, then you'll soon forget all about any silly dark lords."

Later, as Severus slept, Hermione softly stroked his hair and murmured, "Soon, my beloved one.  Very soon now."

wolf_moonshadow, broken memory charm challenge

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