Week 44 Challenge

Oct 29, 2017 16:56

Dear GrangerSnape100-

Results, Week 44 Challenge

Zilch, zero, nada.

This week's challenge:

Member myherodrowning has suggested a "Moonlight" Challenge, which sounds perfect for Halloween and Samhein. Lets put on our wizarding hats and get to work ( Read more... )

2017 challenges, mod-notes

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Comments 3

droxy October 30 2017, 20:16:39 UTC
awesome. I can teach you tagging


theimpossiblegl November 6 2017, 01:16:58 UTC
Well, I know how to tag - it just won't let me. It says I don't have permission?


droxy November 6 2017, 06:15:49 UTC
weird. you have moderator rights..I can tag


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