Week 45 Results, Week 46 Challenge

Nov 11, 2012 14:41

Dear GrangerSnape100-

Week 45 Results, Week 46 Challenge

Death Eaters win with 110.  Order got 0.

We had some amazing art and drabbles this week.

This week's challenge:

This week’s challenge involves bookshelves.   This challenge can cover a wider range of responses.   I can’t even count the number of times various members comment on the lack of, how lovely, how practical bookshelves can be.  Not to mention what can be hidden behind a bookshelf.

This challenge is tagged “bookshelf challenge" in the tag drop down list.

Mod Spam - ARCHIVE

Don't forget to archive your work at the GrangerSnape100 archive at the Petulant Poetess. LJ stinks as a fic archive, and putting your work in a real archive will allow non GS100 members to enjoy them. You will also get more and different reviews.


You can also post your drabbles to FFN as an independent post. FFN has no categories for SS/HG or drabbles.

Mod Spam - NEW ARCHIVE FOR GS100 “The WIKTT Archives”

See the link here: http://grangersnape100.livejournal.com/1556625.html

Cross posting is always allowed.

Mod Spam- ART

We allow art on GS100 now based on the weekly challenges or as illustrations to other challenge posts.

Mod Spam- MistiCon_2013

If you are interested in going to an affordable Harry Potter con and desire to meet your fellow shippers in real life, you may want to investigate Misti-Con 2013.

Registrations are still available.

Join here for information:


The Dark Mod
DE Second Class

2012 challenges, mod-notes

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