Dear GrangerSnape100-
Week 42 Results, Week 43 Challenge
The Order wins at 190. The DEs got 60
This week's challenge:
Blackaces requested challenge called The Devil’s Advocate. This is an open ended challenge, but you cam throw the Devil in there is you want.
It is October now and that means it is the perfect time to revisit old Halloween challenges such as: trick or treat, monster under the bed, seedy secondary characters, pumpkin, Oktoberfest, nightmare, moaning myrtle, masquerade, Halloween feast, haunted house, graveyard visit, epitaph, dark Hermione, back from the dead, screams, and when ghosts intervene.
The Devil’s Advocate challenge tag is in the drop down list.
Don't forget to archive your work at the GrangerSnape100 archive at the Petulant Poetess. LJ stinks as a fic archive, and putting your work in a real archive will allow non GS100 members to enjoy them. You will also get more and different reviews. GS100 drabbles can be archived on OWL. For Owl you load your drabbles under SS/HG and use a tags/identifiers: Snape/Granger 100, Snapshot/Drabble.
Please note that both OWL and The Petulant Poetess are moderated archives, so make sure your writing had been through a beta.
You can also post your drabbles to FFN as an independent post. FFN has no categories for SS/HG or drabbles.
Cross posting is always allowed.
The Dark Mod
DE Second Class