Week 42 Results, Week 43 Challenge

Nov 02, 2008 14:52

Dear GrangerSnape100-

Week 42 Results, Week 43 Challenge

The Order blows away the DEs 310 to 50.

DEs were brutally beaten in series of shot gun cluster drabble hexes.

This week's challenge:

This weeks challenge comes from benebu.  She is requesting drabbles involving the Felix Felicis potion

“Felix Felicis Challenge” is the tag for this challenge.

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2008 challenges, mod-notes

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Comments 3

duniazade November 2 2008, 21:26:46 UTC
I thought it was the Death Eaters who did the brutal beatings!

This situation isn't normal, and should be remediated asap.

I'll endeavour to spy more for the Dark Side.


droxy November 2 2008, 21:42:41 UTC
Good, because my meeting with his Lordship is not going to be nice.


savine_snape November 2 2008, 21:50:13 UTC
I will try a channel dark!Sav to complete Never Again, which in a happy coincidence has our fav duo necking back FF before taking on the Dark Lord.


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