I F***ing Do! Part 16

Jun 24, 2008 08:56

Title: I F***ing Do! Part 16 ( Read more... )

a_bees_buzz, creative cursing challenge, hissing harpies

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Comments 48

camillo1978 June 24 2008, 13:32:55 UTC
Hurrah! No cousins! ~crosses them off the list~

I've been waiting for Hermione to explode. Bluestocking gave us an inkling, but you've done a grand job of lighting the touch-paper good and proper. Such a shame she wouldn't let Severus join in, though. Silly girl...


a_bees_buzz June 24 2008, 14:26:35 UTC
What? Why no cousins? I mean, other than the entire wedding being called off.

I thought Hermione was due to blow. She's a volatile girl, our Hermie -- not the type to let herself be pushed around for long -- but she overdid it a bit there.


camillo1978 June 24 2008, 15:21:06 UTC
Why no cousins?

I realised something.


a_bees_buzz June 24 2008, 15:33:03 UTC
Oooh. Mysterious!Camillo is intriguing.


leonix8238 June 24 2008, 14:08:03 UTC
You know I could sense what was about to happen when she repeatedly emphasised 'MY' wedding..bad move Hermione, bad move. I'm sure all will be forgiven in the end though...I hope!



a_bees_buzz June 24 2008, 14:28:30 UTC
I do hope she gets forgiven, but that's in the hands of the other Harpies now. *wibbles*


septentrion1970 June 24 2008, 14:23:15 UTC
Ohoh, it seems Hermione forgot for a moment that a wedding is about two persons, though that meeting with Severus, Lucius and Harry lets me think that Severus might only want her to be a bit more thoughtful.

Dolohov? Brrrr


a_bees_buzz June 24 2008, 14:30:40 UTC
I've seen brides get so caught up in the planning that they forget the groom in RL, and with far less provocation than Hermione's had here. Severus is a smart man, I have hope he'll find a way to get past her little hissy fit.


bluestocking79 June 24 2008, 14:30:10 UTC
I really love the fact that Hermione got to have a good and proper blow-up--and screw-up, for that matter. She's been fairly good until recently, but with the events of the last several installments, something like this was bound to happen. It is a shame that she didn't stop to think that Severus doesn't really deserve to be bossed about either, not even by her...

I loved her bits to Melanie and Eileen especially.


a_bees_buzz June 24 2008, 14:35:04 UTC
She's been uncharacteristically accommodating up until now, and Hermione Granger is hardly a saint. Sooner or later she had to lose it.

I'm rather fond of her rant to Eileen - it borrows more than a smidge from my own relationship with my MiL.


treeson June 24 2008, 16:17:28 UTC
I was wondering when Snape would get fed up. Bad Hermione.

<3 treeson


a_bees_buzz June 24 2008, 20:14:17 UTC
The curse of Bridezilla - it can happen to anyone.


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