A Slice to Lick

Jun 07, 2008 09:44

Title: A Slice to Lick
Team Name: Masked Men
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: fluff challenge, no dialogue challenge, taste of hg/ss challenge
Characters: Hermione, Severus
Author's Notes: Thanks to dacian_goddess for betaing.
This is written for bluestocking79 for her birthday on a prompt of her and was originally posted at sept_fics. I thought it'd be a waste not to use the ( Read more... )

septentrion1970, taste of ss/hg challenge, fluffy challenge, no dialog challenge

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Comments 22

sbrande June 7 2008, 08:37:00 UTC
I could think of worse things then licking Severus fingers.

Love Sonia :)


septentrion1970 June 7 2008, 08:42:40 UTC
Me too!


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septentrion1970 June 7 2008, 10:06:30 UTC
Really, it was an accident, smashing the cake wasn't their idea. And they so wanted that slice of chocolate cake ;)


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septentrion1970 June 7 2008, 10:26:49 UTC
I nearly did it with the vampire drabble :)


dreamy_dragon73 June 7 2008, 11:26:52 UTC
That's a very nice way to share piece of cake even if it was unintended!


septentrion1970 June 7 2008, 11:27:36 UTC
Ah but the unintended can have interesting results.


blackeyedlily June 7 2008, 20:13:21 UTC


septentrion1970 June 7 2008, 20:14:28 UTC
Thank you.


m_mcgonagall_65 June 7 2008, 20:59:14 UTC
Well that isn't where I thought this would go when I read the title. But chocolate cake... *goes in search of chocolate*


septentrion1970 June 8 2008, 09:07:52 UTC
I admit the title isn't great, but I couldn't come with anything better. Chocolate, hmmm...


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