Fic: First Kiss with the Last Boy (9/11)

Sep 24, 2010 07:45

Title: First Kiss with the Last Boy (9/11)

Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)

Rating: PG-13

Characters/Pairings: Primarily Luke and Reid, mentions of Noah, Katie and the Snyder Clan.

Summary: Sometimes it's not about the first boy you kiss, it's the last. Different scenarios in which Luke and Reid could have shared their first kiss.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Not my characters, just borrowing them for fic purposes.

Author’s Notes: As always I have to thank you all for stopping by and reading. All of your comments are so greatly appreciated. I have to thank my two betas (reilaroo and hopeful 624) for making this what it was. This series is made up of 10 one-shots, individual situations in which Luke and Reid could have shared their first kiss. The last chapter explains how they are tied together. ~Ali

{ Chapter 1} { Chapter 2} { Chapter 3} { Chapter 4} { Chapter 5} { Chapter 6} { Chapter 7} { Chapter 8}

Chapter 9: Caught

Dr. Oliver hated what he was about to do. He loathed all of these meetings with Mr. Snyder. At least, he liked to keep up the appearance that these encounters with the young man were boring and tedious. Yes, perhaps, Reid liked to see the flash in Luke’s eyes when they engaged in one of their discussions. Sometimes Reid would intentionally disagree just to see that flash in his eyes. And, the doctor-unlike his patient-wasn’t blind, he knew that Luke might feel an attraction to him as well. The lingering looks or heated gazes that the blonde directed at Reid were all the indication he needed.

Well, none of that mattered at the moment. Katie was needed at the station. Her babysitter had the flu, and in a moment of stupidity (or weakness, as both felt the same) the doctor found himself agreeing to watch the kid. The flash of joy in her face (something Reid hadn’t seen too often), and the doctor couldn’t regret his decision.

Now he had to call Luke and cancel their meeting. He thought about the way the younger man would gloat and remind Reid about the doctor’s constant insistence on promptness, and that if they were going to meet, baring an emergency (a real emergency), then they would meet no excuses. Early on, Reid had declared anything to do with Noah or Luke’s family wasn’t an emergency.

“This is Luke,” the blonde answered on the second ring.

“It’s Dr. Oliver.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I didn’t forget. I’ll see you in an hour,” Luke assured him.

Reid closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Actually, Mr. Snyder.” He sighed. “Ihavetocancel.”

There was silence on the other end for a moment and then a low chuckle.

The doctor felt a shot of desire go down his spine. He tried to push it aside.

“Did you-” Luke’s voice greeted him. “I’m sorry, did you say you have to cancel? Who’s skull are you planning to crack open today?”

Reid could hear the smile in Luke’s voice. He found himself smiling in return. But when he realized what he was doing, he quickly stopped. “No one,” he grumbled.

“Wait, so you’re cancelling and this isn’t a-” He gasped dramatically. “Not a real emergency,” Luke finished with a conspiratorial whisper.

Sometimes Reid really hated what his life had become. “Look, Mr. Snyder, Katie got called to work. The babysitter, who still hasn’t turned in her latest drug sample, by the way-”

Luke’s chuckle greeted him again, and Reid breathed deeply, trying not to be affected.

“Katie needed someone to watch the kid, and-”

“No, I completely understand,” Luke told him. “I’ve been roped into babysitting countless times for my siblings. That doesn’t mean we have to cancel.”

“Are you a complete idiot?” the doctor questioned. “I told you-”

“Yes,” Luke hissed in response. “But unless you plan to actually sit and stare at Jacob-and if you do, then I will need to have a talk with Katie-then I can meet you. I’ll bring the plans-”

Reid knew it could be a good compromise. He just didn’t know what annoyed him more: that it was reasonable or that it came from Mr. Snyder.

“I’ll bring pizza,” Luke offered.

“Pepperoni, sausage and green peppers. Oh, and if we still have to meet, bring beer.”

There was silence on the end of the phone.

“Are you old enough to drink?” Reid questioned.

There was that chuckle again. “Don’t worry, Dr. Oliver, I’ve had more than enough alcohol in my life. And like a true alcoholic, I know what kind of beer goes with pizza. I’ll see you in an hour.”

Dr. Oliver was stunned by the admission and the casual way Luke told him. For once he didn’t have a response.

Luke sat in his office for a minute. He had no idea why he told the brilliant doctor about his alcoholism. He supposed just once that he wanted to silence the other man, but he also felt that Dr. Oliver would view his admission as some sort of character defect.

Shaking his head, Luke picked up the proposal he had been working on when Dr. Oliver called. He had a little bit of time before he had to leave for his meeting.


Trying to balance the pizza, a six-pack of beer, and the architect’s plans, Luke rang the doorbell of Katie’s place.

Reid opened the door. His shirt was unbuttoned and his hair was silently rumbled as though he’d run his fingers through it a half-dozen times. He was also holding Jacob.

Luke swallowed thickly. He had never been more attracted to anyone than he was in that moment.

“You brought beer,” Reid said dumbfounded.

The blonde came back to his senses. “Hello, Dr. Oliver.”

“Yeah, hi,” he said distractedly.

With a shake of his head and a smile, Luke walked past the doctor. “Don’t worry, I didn’t buy out the liquor store.” He headed toward the kitchen with Reid and the baby close behind.

“I just… You didn’t have to.”

Luke hesitated for a moment. He didn’t want to talk about this, but he also knew Dr. Oliver would keep that look of pity in his eyes. “You told me you knew when you were nine that you were gay.”

The redhead pulled Jacob up a little, trying to do anything other than ask the dozen or so questions he had since Luke told him he was an alcoholic.

“Well, I didn’t know until I was 15. Well…” He sighed, his eyes focused on the arms holding Jacob. “Maybe I knew before then, but I couldn’t admit it. So I drank. And I messed up my kidneys and…” He took another breath and this time his gaze focused on Reid’s.  “And even after the transplant, even when I knew… Sometimes I just didn’t want to think or feel.” He picked up a couple of bottles.

Reid’s mouth opened. He mentally tried to figure out a way to stop Luke and not hurt the baby.

Luke opened the freezer door and put the bottles of beer away. “Trust me, this stuff is better when it’s ice cold.”

“Mr. Snyder-”

“I was kidding about you actually sitting and watching Jacob all the time. Is it time for him to eat?” the blonde asked. He was done talking about his alcoholism. If Dr. Oliver had more questions, they wouldn’t be answered by Luke.

Reid knew the topic of Luke’s addiction was officially dropped. Under any other circumstances, he would continue to question or insult the younger man. But for once, the doctor decided to let this go. “Uh, no, I was just going to put Jacob down for a nap.”

“Okay. I’ll get the plans out.”

It was on the tip of Reid’s tongue to say “thank you.” But he wasn’t going to be completely affected by the young man (or at least, he wasn’t going to show he was affected by Luke).


Luke and Dr. Oliver discussed the plans, each arguing their point until a compromise could be made. Reid was still a little disconcerted by the confession from Luke, and he wasn’t always at the top of his game. The doctor knew Luke was using that to his advantage. He wasn’t so much annoyed as impressed. It was something he would do if the situation were reversed.

“Give up yet?” Luke asked.

A loud cry pierced the air. Jacob had woken up from his nap.

“Saved by the baby,” the blonde noted.

“One, that’s not funny,” Reid said holding up his finger. “And, two, no, I do not give up.”

After the doctor left the room, Luke went to pick up the remnants of their meal. He was putting the plates in the garbage when suddenly the blonde could hear Reid’s voice.

“All right, little man, what’s going on? I need to remind Mr. Snyder who’s the boss.”

Luke turned and realized that he could hear Dr. Oliver through the baby monitor.

There was a sigh and the sound of Jacob’s gurgle. “Mr. Snyder,” Reid said the name again, but this time it was softer and the usual disdain wasn’t there.

Luke slowly made his way over to the baby monitor. He knew they didn’t work like two-way radios, but he was really curious as to what the doctor would say about him. He had pretended not to notice that Reid had gotten them each a bottle of water to go with their pizza instead of the beer Luke had brought.

“Just when I think I have him figured out,” Reid continued. “He’s a spoiled brat with no problems right? Well, then he has to be all generous with his money, giving into my demands. Now a transplant…”

Jacob cried a little softer this time.

“I know, I actually like him,” Reid said. “And I tell you that annoys me more than anything else.”

Luke stopped for a moment. He thought he was alone. There had been a shift in their relationship, and he thought that when he was looking at Dr. Oliver, Reid wasn’t looking back. Luke had convinced himself of that. He wasn’t sure what to do with this new revelation.

“Sorry, buddy, no singing today.”

Luke was pulled out of his thoughts, and he was more than a little intrigued. Singing?

Reid came out a few minutes later. The area was clean, and he turned surprised eyes on Luke. “Mr. Snyder.”

“I just have one question. Actually…” He shrugged. “This is more like a proposition.”

Reid’s Adam’s apple bobbed nervously. “Proposition,” he repeated and the redhead’s voice was thick.

Luke had to swallow his smile. “I’ll concede my last point if you could describe in detail your musical repertoire.”

Reid’s face scrunched in confusion. “Wh-”

Luke held up the baby monitor and grinned.

“You were eavesdropping on my private conversation,” he accused. Mostly, the doctor was concerned about how much Luke had heard. He was embarrassed-one emotion Reid rarely experienced. Further, he was angry and frustrated that Luke was making him feel this way.

“How did you forget that thing was on?” the blonde asked.

“Get out.”

“Dr. Oliver, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Reid didn’t say anything. He simply looked at the blonde.

“I mean, the way you care about Jacob? It’s sweet.”

“Sweet? I am not sweet, Mr. Snyder.” He pointed to the door. “Just get out. Our meeting is done for today. And there is no way I am going to concede my last point.”

Luke sighed and gently placed the baby monitor on the kitchen table. He didn’t say anything as he bent to pick up the architect’s plans. Luke remained silent, but he could feel Dr. Oliver’s eyes on him as he moved.

He went to the door, and his hand rested on the knob. But he stopped, he couldn’t leave. Letting out a breath, Luke turned around and took a few steps closer to Reid.

“You’re not the only one who’s confused about how he feels,” Luke admitted.

Reid crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not confused. I know what I want.”

“And that is?” He tried to keep his voice steady, but he felt his heart hammer against his ribcage.

The doctor slowly made his way over toward Luke. “I want you. I’m not confused about that. The fact that I do want you, and the way you…” He took a breath, and his hand bounced against this leg. Reid was itching to reach out for Luke. “I’m just annoyed.”

“Because I’m-”

Reid finally gave into his desire. He took the young man’s face in his hands and pulled Luke close for a kiss. Just when the blonde started to realize what was happening and kiss Reid back, the older man pulled away. His hands rested gently on Luke’s shoulders. “Still confused?”

“No,” Luke murmured before grabbing Reid by the shirt and tugging him close. His mouth crashed into Reid’s.


Katie finally made it home. She hoped Reid had left some food for her.

When she opened the door, she found her roommate sitting on the couch with Luke straddling his lap. Both men’s shirts were unbuttoned, pushed off their shoulders, but still half-on. They were kissing, their hands roaming lazily, finding they couldn’t be close enough.

“Oh my God!” she squealed, dropping her keys and purse.

Both men jumped and turned toward the sound. When Luke saw who it was, he burrowed closer to Reid, his forehead resting on the doctor’s shoulder. “Oh my God,” he murmured repeatedly.

Reid’s hands came up automatically and rubbed against Luke’s back. “Can we help you?” the redhead asked.

“Just tell me my son’s okay,” Katie replied. “But I will want details later.” She couldn’t stop grinning.

“Oh my God,” Luke continued to whisper.

“He’s fine,” Reid said, still rubbing soothing circles across Luke’s back. He pressed a gentle kiss to Luke’s ear. “It’ll be fine, I promise.”

Slowly, Luke pulled back and tried to button his shirt. Reid moved his hands, placing them over Luke’s. “Don’t,” the redhead whispered.

Katie had suspected for a while that Reid had feelings for Luke. She had noticed the subtle changes, and it wasn’t until she overheard him arguing with Luke on the phone the other day that Katie was able to put the pieces together.

“I’m sorry, Katie,” Luke told her. “We’re supposed to be babysitting and we’re-”

She chuckled. “Don’t worry, Luke.” She walked past them and headed toward Jacob’s room. “I caught my babysitter doing the same thing with her boyfriend last week,” she told them before checking on her son.


Thank you for reading.

We’ve reached our goal for  Doctors Without Borders in honor of Eric Sheffer Stevens. You all are amazing!

Onto Chapter Ten...

luke/reid; fic: first kiss...

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