Slipping Through -- Share And Share Alike

Mar 01, 2010 16:10

Book cover by et_muse.

Title: Slipping Through
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Share And Share Alike
Date Written: 3/1/10
Rating: Hard R/NC-17
Word Count: 3,894
Fandom: Torchwood/FAKE
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ryo/Dee and, ahem, variations thereupon. That's right. Variations.
Spoilers: Up through Torchwood 02, Doctor Who 04, and FAKE Like, Like, Love
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Much thanks to my beta, muse, and all around idea bouncing board, totally4ryo! Uh... so yeah. This chapter was so like pulling teeth, and I'm sorry it took so long to get out to you. But trust me, we think it's worth the wait.

Definitely NOT worksafe. Possibly not mindsafe.

Although he hated to admit it, even if it was just to himself, Jack was secretly pleased that dinner plans had been scrapped for Weevil hunting.

It wasn't that he didn't like the dates. He loved them; listening to his clever Ianto Jones talk about work in roundabout ways, making guesses about scientific theories that were so close to the mark that Jack wanted to call up the Doctor and spirit Ianto away to show him the wonders of the universe, telling him stories and watching his face just light up with amusement. They usually managed a double date with the Laytner-MacLeans every other week or so, and those dinners -- and the hours afterward -- were full of laughter and storytelling.

But when they were hunting, something just... primal inside him came out. As cliche as that was to admit. Especially when he watched Ryo and Dee work together. The two of them were partners in every sense of the word, each functioning as an extension of the other. It was mesmerizing, and he loved watching them interact. He'd been not-so secretly thrilled when Tosh had called with the sighting report, and had tried to contain his glee as he ordered for someone to bring the SUV around. Ianto's subtle roll of the eyes had been his only indicator that he hadn't fully succeeded at that.

It would be a huge blow to the team when it came time to see them go back home, both personally and professionally.

"Jack, Ryo, we've got one cornered," Dee's voice announced through the comms. The Captain opened his mouth to ask where the other American and Ianto were, but Ryo had already turned and was running down the alley back the way they came. He stopped for a moment when he reached the end, a split second of hesitation before he turned right. Jack shook his head and followed the half-Japanese detective's lead. Even when they were separated, they were just aware of each other.

Kathy and Daffyd had been like that, he reflected, catching sight of Ryo's suit jacket disappearing around another turn. Like mother, like son, he guessed.

With Ryo's Super Look Away Weevil skills, it didn't take very long for the four of them to subdue the one lone Weevil and load it into the back of the SUV. Owen had offered to take them back to the restaurant or at the very least their cars, but they'd all insisted they could make their own way back.

They were doing just that, in neat pairs of two, when Jack's Vortex Manipulator beeped. Ianto, Dee, and Ryo stopped and stared at Jack's wrist.

"Calm down," the Captain soothed, giving them a charming grin. "Nothing to worry over, just a Rift alert."

"Oh, and that is so much more reassuring," Ianto deadpanned. "Will it be animal, vegetable, or mineral trying to kill us tonight?"

"Hey," Ryo replied, pointing a finger at him. "It could be more than one of those options. Don't be so discriminate."

Dee snorted, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I just hope that it's not our usual friend that turns up when that thing of Jack's goes off."

"When that thing of Jack's goes off, eh? Why Dee, to say such things with your husband standing next to you..." Jack trailed off as he punched buttons, refining his scan. "Too small to be human," he finally said.

"And to quote, so much more reassuring," Dee echoed, his normal New York twang distorted by a half-passable Welsh accent.

Jack shot him a dirty look as he buttoned his wrist strap. "I'm not sensing anything else coming from it," he added.

"So standard Rift flotsam?" Ryo asked with raised eyebrows.

There was no such thing as standard Rift flotsam, and they all knew it.

"So. Should we call Owen back then?" Ianto asked, reaching up to his comm.

"No, not yet," the Captain replied. "Let's go check it out first."

Jack lead the pack this time, the three oh-so-mortal humans following three steps behind, their guns drawn. Just in case.

What they found was a sphere about half a foot in diameter, all futuristic chrome and black metal buttons resting unobtrusively in the dirty concrete side alley. Jack holstered his gun as he approached it, and the others lowered their own weapons. Before he'd realized what he'd done, Jack had the sphere in his hand.

"Is it safe to do that, Jack?" Ryo asked, frowning at their Captain.

"Safe for me at least," the immortal cracked, running his fingers over the smooth metal surface to check for cracks or blemishes. His thumb caught on a tiny little protrusion, and he frowned a little bit. "What's this?" he asked softly, almost talking to himself.

"Jack, don't -- "

Ianto's plea came too late; the little button slid smoothly into the sphere, releasing a silent shockwave of pressure. All four of them stumbled back, the Laytner-MacLeans instinctively grabbing hands. Blue words streamed out of Dee's mouth as Ryo put his arm around his husband.

"What the fuck, Harkness!"

"What was that?" Ianto asked, his face pale. Ryo, who was closest, reached out to take one of the young Welshman's hands and squeezed it comfortingly.

And then Jack realized what exactly he was holding.


"Are you sure it's safe to keep here?" Ryo asked for what seemed like the hundredth time since they'd gotten back to Ryo and Dee's apartment.

"I'm sure," Jack reassured the three nervous humans. "It's... not really made for war. Not particularly."

"Then what is it?" Ianto asked, clasping his hands in his lap.

"It's called a Dupe. Well, it's what we called them in the Agency."

"If John fucking Hart is involved in this -- " Dee exploded.

"No, no, that's not it," Jack cut him off. "They were extremely popular in the late 49th century, millions upon millions of them were manufactured."

"What do they do, Jack?" Ryo asked. "If it's not dangerous."

"It..." The captain shifted in his seat, unsure of how to properly explain it, "takes preexisting emotions between people and amplifies it."

The three 21st century humans stared back at him like he was mad. "For good or for bad," Ryo guessed. When Jack nodded in agreement, he continued. "And since there's..." He made a hand motion between the four of them, implying everything.

"You catch on quick," Jack complimented.

"And if we say no?" Ryo added. "Any of us, that is," he added, glancing over at Ianto.

Ah, Ryo, ever concerned about the youngest of their little foursome. Ever concerned about all of them, actually. "It's not like last time, with the Anturians," Jack explained. "It's not a pressing, absolute need, it just lowers normal inhibitions and... suggests louder."

"So it's a big electronic version of a stiff drink," Dee cracked.

"More or less," Jack agreed. "So. We can all walk away now, and deal with our desires separately. Or... Why fight it?"

Ianto, Ryo, and Dee looked at each other. "He makes a good point," the youngest said after a long moment.

"Such a charmer," Ryo agreed.

Dee looked over at his husband, who smiled back and took his hand. Dee squeezed it tight. "And I'll still have you, no matter what?"

"I should ask you that," Ryo shot back, grinning fondly. "You're the one who gets half my inheritance in the divorce."

"But I get the whole thing if we stay together," Dee pointed out. He leaned in to kiss Ryo gently. "Okay."

"Right!" Jack clapped his hands together enthusiastically. "House rules. One, if someone says stop, it stops. We won't get kinky yet -- "

"Speak for yourself, Captain," Dee interrupted.

" -- But we're venturing into unexplored territory," Jack continued as if he hadn't been interrupted. "Sex isn't fun when you're uncomfortable. Unless you want to be uncomfortable. Then you're set."

"Sex 101 With Captain Jack Harkness," Ryo quipped. "I'm sure there's fic about this somewhere."

"Two, I say we use condoms the first time around," Jack listed, ticking the numbers off of his fingers. "Do you have any?"

Dee's eyes rolled upwards as he thought, but Ryo nodded immediately. "Should do."

Dark green eyes cut over to the half-Japanese man in surprise and mock suspicion. "Got something you want to tell me?"

"Never hurts to be prepared for anything," Ryo answered.

Ianto nodded in approval.

"Good man." Jack clapped his hands and stood. "Now, Rule Three: you two get a bottle of something to drink -- nothing too strong, but things go better when we're all more lubricated."

"Metaphorically as well as literally," Dee muttered.


"Truthfully... I feel like a giant girl," Ianto said, chuckling when Jack burst into laughter.

"That's not how the game works, Mr. Jones," he teased, handing the bottle over.

"You asked me how I felt," the younger man defended, pointing an accusing finger at his lover. "We're drinking spiced rum straight out of the bottle and playing Truth or Dare. Should I feel like a manly man?"

Ryo snorted into the bottle, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Dee laughed as well, reaching over and grabbing the mostly-empty bottle of Captain Morgan out of his husband's hand.

"You humans -- "

" -- and your quaint little categories!" the Laytner-MacLeans pipped in for Jack before breaking into hysterical giggles.

"I hate it when they do that," Ianto sighed, shaking his head fondly.

Jack chuckled and reached across, taking the bottle away. "Okay then. I think we're sufficiently lubricated." This caused a childish snicker to roll through the three slightly tipsy younger men. "Ianto, your turn."


"Dare," the detective replied immediately. "Let's be daring," he said with a grin.

Ianto opened his mouth, then closed it again. The polite, reserved Welshman was still lingering in the younger man, but Jack knew him well enough to know what he wanted. "Ryo, I think Ianto wants you to kiss him."

Grateful blue eyes met Jack's, and the Captain gave him a reassuring wink. Ryo grinned and shifted to his knees, dropping to all fours. As they watched, the half-Japanese detective crawled seductively over to Ianto, grinning like the cat who got the canary. "Well, how 'bout it, Mr. Jones?" Ryo teased softly, practically in Ianto's lap. He leaned in to touch noses with the younger man, grinning at the way he closed his eyes in anticipation. "You want to kiss the other Laytner-MacLean?"

Ianto licked his lips in a nervous gesture, nodding.

"Daijoobu, daijoobu," Ryo murmured softly so only Ianto could really hear. He reached up to stroke the Welshman's face. "It's okay," he translated, unsure how extensive his vocabulary was.

The younger man felt himself relaxing just a little bit at the gentle sweet talk. Ryo and Dee often spoke to each other in Japanese as a private lover's language, so hearing Ryo use it -- and Dee accepting it -- relaxed him. This really was okay.

Reassured, he tilted his head and bridged the space between his mouth and Ryo's, pressing their lips together. Ryo kissed him back eagerly, tilting his head to the side and licking at the seam of his mouth.

Jack chuckled when one of Ianto's arms wrapped around Ryo's neck, pulling the detective down over him as they continued to snog. "Looks like they didn't need too much convincing," he pointed out to Dee. He smiled over at the other detective, grinning wider when he saw that Dee couldn't take his eyes off the pair before them.

"You like that, I see," he teased, sliding up behind Dee. They'd long ago shed suit jackets, shoes, ties and (in Jack and Dee's cases) button-ups, so Jack could feel the heat from Dee's body through the thin material of the detective's wifebeater and his own undershirt.

"I -- yeah," Dee replied, at a loss for words. Jack's hands slid down his arm, and he shivered when Ianto's hands moved lower, tugging impatiently at Ryo's undershirt.

Jack's chuckle was deep and rich in his ear. "He can be a persistent little bastard sometimes," he said fondly, nipping the shell of Dee's ear. "He likes it when you bite right under his ear," he offered helpfully.

Dee moaned in tandem with Ianto when Ryo kissed down to his neck, sucking and nipping at the spot. A trouser-clad leg hooked around Ryo's knee, and the lighter-haired man chuckled fondly against Ianto's neck.

"Look at that," Jack breathed appreciatively, grinning at the way Dee immediately nodded. "Doesn't that look delicious?"

Dee licked his lips on command.

"I don't -- it's -- "

"It's what, Dee?" Jack prompted. Conversation between partners was always important, but at this stage it was critical.

Ryo was moving his head to kiss Ianto again when Dee replied. "No."

The half-Japanese detective stopped and pulled away a little, looking over his shoulder at his husband. "No?" he repeated, levering himself up onto his hands. Ianto's arms loosened, but he didn't quite drop his grip on Ryo.

Dee shook his head and all but launched himself at Ryo, kissing him desperately. Then, with his fingers still buried in Ryo's short locks, he leaned down and kissed a surprised Ianto just as deeply.

Jack grinned, his hand going down to play with the button on the fly of his pants. "I always like a show."

Ryo chuckled fondly, kissing Dee's neck as he and Ianto snogged messily, tongues battling for dominance. As Jack watched, Ryo extricated himself from between the two and took over the task of gently guiding the two of them along, his touches and kisses encouraging but not distracting. Dee's and Ianto's laser-focused attentions were focused directly on each other, but there was that lingering never-done-this-before timidity in all of their movements. Without Ryo, Jack realized that they'd have just kissed all night.

Thank the powers for Ryo.

Ryo quietly prompted to Dee to undo Ianto's shirt, and gorgeous, hair-dusted Welsh flesh was exposed button by button. Dee seemed slightly fascinated with it, which amused everyone immensely.

Ryo made a little joke about Dee being overdressed and the form-fitting tank top was removed, the light-haired blonde kissing the bare line of his husband's spine.

As the two of them -- without instruction -- began fumbling with belt buckles and flies, Jack reached out and pulled Ryo to him. "You've done this before."

It wasn't a question. The half-Japanese man just grinned back. "I had a girlfriend in college who was what the cool kids would today call bicurious. She suggested a threesome one day."

"And far be it from you to deny a beloved a request?" Jack teased, nuzzling the side of Ryo's neck. He was already undoing the buttons of Ryo's shirt from the bottom up, pausing after every button to caress the warm skin underneath.

"To hell with that," Ryo shot back, leaning back into the Captain. His stomach rolled underneath Jack's touch when the fingers found a ticklish spot. "We were just in it for the sex."

Jack chuckled, delighted. "Always the quiet ones."

"You and your labels," Ryo countered, turning to grin cheekily at the Captain over his shoulder.

That drew another laugh from Jack, rich and deep, and the Captain tipped Ryo back far enough to kiss him. The angle made it a little awkward, the advantage of height gone as they both sat, but Ryo's enthusiastic response signaled that he didn't mind one bit. In fact, the light-haired detective had to pull back a few times so he could catch his breath, chest heaving under Jack's touch, before diving in to renew the kiss.

A soft cry pulled Jack and Ryo's attention from each other and to their lovers. Ianto was completely naked by now, with Dee well on his way to being nude, too. Long, tobacco-stained fingers were wrapped around the younger man's impressive erection, stroking him firmly. Dee's tongue was busy teasing Ianto's navel, nose pressed against the lightly-furred belly. He pulled back and grinned at Ryo. "If you would be so kind?" he asked softly.

Ryo chuckled and extracted himself from Jack's arms to snag the string of condoms by the pillow. He tore one off and handed the foil pack over to Dee, grinning when the dark-haired detective tore it open with his teeth. "The directions say you're not supposed to do that," Ryo teased.

"I'm breaking all the rules tonight," Dee quipped, pulling out the latex ring and throwing the trash off the side of the bed. The faint scent of mint permeated the air, and Dee winked when he caught the Captain's raised eyebrows. "What?" he asked, his voice far too innocent to come from the downright lecherous grin on his face. "There's really only one way I know how to put a condom on."

With that, he pressed the circle against his mouth and lowered his head. Dee slid his lips down Ianto's cock to meet his fingers grasping the base and holding it steady. Ianto moaned and arched into the warmth.

Ryo chuckled and leaned down to kiss Ianto's face. "I love it when he does that," he soothed. Ianto whimpered when Dee slid back up, the latex covering the young man's cock shiny with spit.

Jack sat back and made himself comfortable, palming the bulge in his trousers as he watched the three of them. He hadn't been lying when he'd said he always liked a show.

And damn, if they weren't giving him one, with Ianto making those hot choked-off whimpering noises as Dee sucked him eagerly and Ryo kissed down his neck and chest. The half-Japanese man was playing with Ianto's light dusting of chest hair, almost as if he was slightly fascinated with it. Jack grinned, realizing that, given Dee and Ryo's own smooth chests, it was probably his first encounter with that amount of body hair.

Ryo paused in his play to lick teasingly at the younger man's nipples, then swiftly moved down to join his husband below Ianto's waistline. There was a moment's pause when the pair's eyes met, but then Ryo leaned in and licked delicately at one side of Ianto's shaft and everything was fine.

More than fine, actually, Jack realized with a grin as he watched the two Laytner-MacLeans try to outdo each other, going so far as to push one another out of their way. Dee was the first to break into a snicker when Ryo -- literally -- cock blocked him yet again, swallowing Ianto down halfway.

The poor young Welshman desperately grabbed at Jack's shoulders when the Captain moved to kiss his face. "They're killing me," he groaned against his lover's mouth.

"Me too," Jack agreed. "You should see 'em. They're gorgeous together."

The two looked down, Jack grinning as he took in Ryo and Dee kissing. The fact that the tip of Ianto's condom-covered cock kept getting in the way didn't seem to deter them.

The young man in question let out a little groan and wiggled his hips, trying to get a little more action. This interrupted the lip-lock, and the Laytner-MacLeans shared a look.

"Well?" Ryo asked, his tone teasingly light.

"Pleeeeeease?" Dee whined, leaning in to steal a kiss.

Ryo let out a mock huff. "Never can deny you," he sighed.

"We're in the room too, y'know," Ianto growled.

Jack chuckled as the lighter haired detective moved away. "I think they're rather aware of that," he said, watching as Dee began crawling over Ianto, permission granted. The Captain moved away as well, sliding up behind Ryo and kissing the side of his neck. "Well, Ryo? Those two seem occupied enough," he murmured into the man's ear.

Ryo turned his head and gave a smile. Jack noticed that there was a hint of nervousness in it, to his amusement. "It's not that I'm not, it's just -- " Ryo cut off roughly and licked his lips. "Dee's the only person I've ever -- you know," he murmured softly. "I don't know if I'm ready to share that part yet with anyone else."

The Captain chuckled and kissed Ryo softly. The two of them still held each other in higher regards; Dee deferred to Ryo and Ryo was hesitant about anyone potentially filling Dee's place in his bed. It was as it should be. "I'm flexible," Jack replied.

The half-Japanese man laughed against Jack's lips. "I know."

"Then, just lay back and let the Captain take care of you," he said with a smile, gently lowering Ryo onto his back next to Ianto. The two of them were far more entranced with the sensual display next to them to properly concentrate on one another, letting hands wander with only a general idea of where to go while they watched Dee's very targeted attack on the inside of Ianto's elbow.

Finally, Ianto had enough teasing and fumbled for another condom. The thin barrier almost ripped in the younger man's near-frantic fingers before he rolled it onto Dee's cock.

Ryo moaned when he felt Jack's warm hand slide one on his own shaft, but didn't take his eyes off of Dee and Ianto.

He knew every little nuance of pleasure that crossed his husband's face when they made love, but was treated to a new angle when Dee pushed slowly into Ianto -- the way his mouth fell open slightly, the way his eyelids fluttered as his eyes rolled back in his head from the pleasure, how his head tipped back far enough that the longer hair just barely brushed against his bare back. Ianto was just as gorgeous of course, worrying his lower lip in an attempt to muffle his moans, fingers digging into Dee's upper arms with every thrust.

Then Jack sank down onto his own throbbing shaft and Ryo was very aware of the man straddling his hips. He didn't get a chance to see much of Jack's face, since the Captain captured his mouth in a deep, relentless kiss. Ryo lost himself in the rise and fall of Jack's body over his, sweat-slick skin sliding together as they moved. Their own breathy moans and groans were accompanied by Ianto's and Dee's.

Ianto came first, with a low, keening wail that made Jack and Ryo stop and watch. It almost sounded painful, but they saw the look of utter bliss on the young man's face and knew better. Dee's fingers tightened on Ianto's hips as he thrust harder into the pliant body underneath him. Jack leaned over to kiss the green-eyed detective when he opened his mouth to cry out in pleasure. The change of angle, combined with a nifty little rotation of Jack's hips, had the light-haired man's orgasm rush up on him with startling suddenness. Any embarrassment at the thought of coming like a complete teenager was nullified when two strokes of Ianto's hand had Jack shaking as well, warm wetness slipping through the Welshman's fingers and onto Ryo's bare stomach.

Exhausted, the four of them slowly disentangled themselves and cleaned up (with Ryo's undershirt, they realized as they threw it on the floor) before creating a nice puppy pile underneath the covers. The four of them murmured quietly and exchanged lazy kisses and caresses as they slowly began dropping off to sleep.

Jack pressed a kiss to Dee's forehead as he started to drift off. The dark-haired man gave a bit of a smile. "Sorry, but us poor mortals need some rest," he joked, chuckling as Ianto nuzzled at his neck.

"Don't worry 'bout it," Jack said with a quiet laugh. "The night's still young."

slipping through, fake, torchwood

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