Torchwood -- Nom de Plume

Jul 31, 2008 22:40

Title: Nom de Plume
horizonssing Challenge: Day Thirty
Date Written: 7/31/08
Rating: PG/K+
Word Count: 500
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, OC
Spoilers: None, really.
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Is this a real book?! Is it, is it, is it?!

Lucy is excited and nervous about her first season.
She can't seem to quell her feelings for Captain Jack.
Jack is determined to find a wife.
But secrets from his past threaten his plans - he cannot offer a girl a tainted name...

"Got a minute?"

Jack looked up from his paperwork, smiling at the young man in his doorway. "For you? Always. And generally more than one."

Ianto entered the office, closing the door behind him with his foot. Jack sat back in his seat, watching as his young lover hid something behind his back. "Whatcha got?"

"Remember when I was telling you how my sister got published a while back?" he said, sitting on the corner of his desk.

"Yes, one of those little penny romance readers, right?" Jack said, eyebrows furrowing when Ianto nodded. "Why?"

"It came out today," Ianto said with pride, pulling a little envelope out from behind his back. Both their names were written on the front, and it was addressed to the Information Booth.

Ianto had the same uniform handwriting his sister did.

"Did you open it yet?"

"Was waiting on you," Ianto said, reaching over for the letter opener. "It's one of her advanced copies, she told me she signed it." He pulled out the book and Jack got distracted by a scrap of paper that fluttered out between the pages to land on his knee. The captain picked the paper up and flipped it over, finding more neat handwriting. "Jack and Ianto, you both have inspired me far more than you can ever realize," he read before flicking his eyes up to Ianto. The Welshman looked like he was torn between exploding into a temper fit or dissolving into giggles. "What?"

"That... Bloody brat," Ianto managed, handing the thin tome over. Jack frowned up at him again before flipping the book over.

The cover was fairly standard for these types of books -- handsome guy, buxom woman, both barely dressed and in some sort of sexy entwining position. The title, was fairly cliche too, but it made Jack pause and look again.

Marrying Captain Jack

He flipped the book over so quickly he thought the book was going to go flying out of his hand. "Captain Jack is determined to find a wife, but secrets from his past threaten his plans," he quoted, unable to keep the smirk off his face. "Can the beautiful Sian melt the cold heart to find the warrior underneath?"

Ianto groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Oh, if the others find out about this..."

As if on cue, Owen's voice rang out through the Hub over the proximity alarm. "Oh, SIAN~!"

Jack bit his tongue hard to keep from laughing -- no desire for decaff, thank you -- and Ianto stood and straightened out his suit jacket. "If you'll excuse me, I have a sibling to kill."

"Make sure you make it look like an accident," Jack said with a snicker. Ianto shot him a dirty look as he left the office and Jack had a nice long, borderline hysterical laugh once the door shut behind him. Once he'd regained control of himself, he kicked back and opened the book.

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horizonssing, torchwood

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