Torchwood -- Dangerous

Jul 31, 2008 20:51

Title: Dangerous
horizonssing Challenge: Day Twenty-Eight
Date Written: 7/31/08
Rating: PG/K+
Word Count: 322
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood 01, DW 02
Warnings: Angst, implied m/m sex
Author's Notes: I'm playing catch-up! Lyrics are found here.

It's Bad For Me
by Rosemary Clooney

Ianto was dangerous when he slept. It wasn't because he rolled Jack over the side of the bed, or because he told Torchwood secrets in his dreams -- although he did steal the covers on occasion. No, what made Ianto Jones so dangerous was that while he slept Jack would watch him, and realize just how suddenly attached he was becoming to the young Welshman.

Jack tried, oh, he'd tried for years to keep people at arm's length. Lovers, friends, they all died while he remained, a fixed point. It was just easier to wrap himself up in solitude and let everything else fall by the wayside, the world crashing about around his ears over and over and over again. Treat them like pets, something sweet and fragile and tolerable and finite that you know they would be gone eventually. Sometimes, a few of them managed to worm their way in deep enough to make a lasting impression, the ones he knew would hurt when he finally lost them.

Ianto shifted in his sleep, rolling over to face Jack and throwing an arm over the immortal's waist in his slumber. Jack chuckled a little and touched the sleeping face, smoothing out the worry lines that someone so young shouldn't be forming yet. He was getting dependent on him, on the morning coffee and the reports already on his desk before he asked for them, on the quiet proficency and the wicked cheek. On the offered companionship.

On Ianto Jones.

The Doctor was close. He could sense it, like a shark sensing a drop of blood in the water; so close but not quite there, not yet. 21st Century Cardiff, best place to find the Doctor, that's why he'd set up shop here.

It would be surprisingly hard to leave the quiet Welshman sharing the bed with him, but he had to do it. Before he got too attached.

Before Ianto left him.

horizonssing, torchwood

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