Rectober #7: Multi-Fandom Recs Part 2

Oct 12, 2014 10:00

This all could have fit into the last post, but it looked weird with eight LJ-cuts for the different fandoms, so here is part two of my multi-fandom recs!

Smallville: Clark/Lex )

pairing type: slash, rec: fic, challenge: rectober, fandom: thor, pairing: clark/lex, pairing: loki/thor, fandom: smallville, pairing: kirk/spock, rpf, fandom: star trek, pairing: chris/zach

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Comments 5

noeon October 12 2014, 18:05:10 UTC
Sweet yummy! These look great!

RPF is a funny, funny thing. You don't know you'll like it until you do. One of my fave Sherlock's is a non-RPF, actor-RPF-like plot, where John/Sherlock meet as actors on a film set (Performance in a Leading Role).


gracerene October 12 2014, 18:58:56 UTC
Totally feel you with RPF. It's definitely a weird area, but there are a few I've ended up reading and liking.

And YES! That is definitely my favorite Johnlock fic. I actually just reread the whole series last week because I was feeling down and needed a pick me up! I actually just realized that the author wrote Zero at the Bone, which is one of my fav m/m romance books. :D


noeon October 12 2014, 19:15:09 UTC
I've really liked mrsronweasley's stuff on Teen Wolf RPF and also Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles (I haven't recced any of it yet... Should maybe make an RPF post...)

OOOH! How exciting! Thank you so much for the book rec - I can't wait to read! (Rectober is great - I think I'm getting MUCH more to read than I'm reccing, and the conversations are so much fun!)


candamira October 13 2014, 08:10:52 UTC
I'm already so busy with keeping up with HP fandom; I bow to everybody who manages to be active in others! They are all tempting, but family will hate me if I spend MORE time behind my computer than I actually do... :((( Thank you for the recs, though. One day, when I'm old and will have all the time in the world...


gracerene October 13 2014, 15:04:13 UTC
LOL, I feel ya!


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