FIC: Home for the Holidays (Charlie/James Sirius, NC-17)

Jan 09, 2017 09:00

Reveals just went up at over at daily-deviant's Kinky Kristmas fest, which means it's time to claim the fic I wrote! There were so many amazing prompts to choose from, but I've been wanting to write some Charlie/James Sirius for awhile now and one of snegurochka_lee's prompts totally hit the spot!

I'd also love to thank the lovely elfflame for writing me this wonderfully sexy Draco/Read more... )

pairing: charlie/james sirius, no repost, my fanfic, fest: daily_deviant kinky kristmas, bottom!james, fandom: harry potter, kink: incest, rating: nc-17, kink: dirty talk, comm: daily_deviant, kink: first time, kink: anal sex

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Comments 5

capitu January 9 2017, 21:10:15 UTC
\o/\o/\o/ It was a brilliant round!


gracerene January 9 2017, 21:11:03 UTC


shiftylinguini January 9 2017, 21:43:51 UTC
SO good!!


gracerene January 9 2017, 21:49:11 UTC
Thank you so much for your help, lovely!


shiftylinguini January 11 2017, 10:30:42 UTC
Any time!! :D:D

Thank you for the new kink LOL


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