Drabble: 'Tis the Season for Giving (Dominique/James, NC-17)

Dec 19, 2016 08:45

Title: 'Tis the Season for Giving
Author: gracerene
Pairing: Dominique/James
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Prompt 107: 'Tis the Season to... for hp_nextgen100
Author's Note: Unbeta'd

'Tis the Season for Giving )

no repost, my fanfic, comm: hp_nextgen100, kink: cunnilingus, pairing: dominique/james, fandom: harry potter, rating: nc-17, pairing type: next gen, pairing type: het

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Comments 10

lightofdaye December 19 2016, 18:30:23 UTC
OMG! Someone else wrote this pairing. XD

And wrote it smoking hot as well. This is brilliant and sexy use of prompt. Just what I love to read.


gracerene December 20 2016, 00:43:04 UTC
I admit, you definitely inspired me! I've been trying to alternate het/slash/femslash pairings for these drabbles, and I was stuck on which het pairing to write for this one. But then I remembered that you've been writing a lot of James/Dominique, so I figured I'd give them a go! :)

I'm glad you enjoyed what I did with them!


enchanted_jae December 19 2016, 18:42:44 UTC


gracerene December 20 2016, 00:43:45 UTC


capitu December 19 2016, 20:13:04 UTC
Holy shit. What you did with this prompt is just fucking amazing! \o/ Yep, I love it. Hot and perfect. :D


gracerene December 20 2016, 00:45:34 UTC
Aww, thanks lovely!


sabethea December 20 2016, 15:56:12 UTC
Mmm, very nice :)


gracerene December 20 2016, 18:16:13 UTC
Thanks! :)


_melodic_ December 21 2016, 14:59:32 UTC
Well this is hot! What a fun use of the prompt!


gracerene December 22 2016, 17:44:50 UTC
Thanks so much! :D


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