Drabble: Catch the Snitch (Lily Luna/Rose, PG-13)

Oct 25, 2016 09:00

Title: Catch the Snitch
Author: gracerene
Pairing: Lily Luna/Rose
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Prompt 103: Happy Halloween for hp_nextgen100
Author's Note: Unbeta'd. More obscure take on the prompt this go-round, but they're dressing up for a Halloween ball, and it promises to be a very Happy Halloween indeed! :D

Catch the Snitch )

pairing type: femslash, rating: pg-13, comm: hp_nextgen100, pairing type: next gen, pairing: lily luna/rose, fandom: harry potter

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Comments 18

lightofdaye October 25 2016, 16:13:06 UTC
Oh lovely. Great take on the prompt and this pairing.


gracerene October 25 2016, 17:22:37 UTC
Thanks so much! :D


anemonen October 25 2016, 17:00:31 UTC
Oh, this is lovely! So light and teasing and fun. Wonderfully done <3


gracerene October 25 2016, 17:44:41 UTC
Thank you, hon! <3


burnin_up_a_sun October 25 2016, 17:28:06 UTC


gracerene October 25 2016, 18:31:16 UTC


_melodic_ October 25 2016, 18:50:20 UTC
Oh this is so adorable… I don't know why I've never thought of those two together before but they would make such a cute couple. And oh my god now I want to be a golden snitch for Halloween !


gracerene October 26 2016, 15:20:33 UTC
Thank you so much! I actually got the idea because my BFF went as a Golden Snitch last year! :D


capitu October 25 2016, 21:14:32 UTC
This is adorable! :D I love how you used the prompt. Perfect! <33


gracerene October 26 2016, 15:19:23 UTC
Thanks, lovely! :)


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