Drabble: Moonlight (Albus Severus/Scorpius, R)

Oct 07, 2016 08:00

Title: Moonlight
Author: gracerene
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Prompt 102: Full Moon for hp_nextgen100
Author's Note: Unbeta'd.

Moonlight )

no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, comm: hp_nextgen100, fandom: harry potter, pairing: albus severus/scorpius, established relationship, pairing type: next gen, kink: blow jobs, rating: r, kink: outdoor!sex

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Comments 14

lq_traintracks October 7 2016, 15:08:39 UTC
Oooh! I came on LJ just now with a mission, but this distracted me with its shiny and so I willingly traipsed over and oh yes! Lovely drabble! My favorite is Albus' stomach tensing before he comes. Unf!!! *drools copiously* I love that they're out there in the open, under the light of the moon.

Great job, Grace!


gracerene October 7 2016, 17:15:21 UTC
LOL, always happy to be a shiny distraction! :D

Thank you so much, hon!


torino10154 October 7 2016, 15:46:15 UTC
So atmospheric and gorgeous. Loved it. Great job, Grace!


gracerene October 7 2016, 17:14:36 UTC
Thanks so much! OMG, drabbling is so difficult! I don't know how you do it so well!


_melodic_ October 7 2016, 17:03:31 UTC

And wow how gorgeously written. I loved how that poetic intro led into Scorpius sucking Albus down. Pure magic I tell you! :D


gracerene October 7 2016, 18:02:42 UTC
Thanks, lovely! I'm really glad you enjoyed. :D


birdsofshore October 7 2016, 17:08:39 UTC
AHHHHHH so delicious. I love them being out in the moonlight, and Albus not being able to keep quiet when he comes. So hot, but there's a poetry to it, too. Lovely.


gracerene October 7 2016, 20:02:41 UTC
Thank you, Birds! I do think there is something so lovely and magical and romantic about moonlight. :D


burnin_up_a_sun October 7 2016, 21:58:37 UTC
well. ahem. I'll be in my bunk...


gracerene October 7 2016, 23:35:03 UTC
Glad you enjoyed! ;)


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