September Multi-Fandom Recs

Sep 30, 2016 08:00

I read a little bit in a lot of different fandoms this month! Mostly I was reading published works in September, but I still managed to sneak in some fanfic! :D

[Check, Please!: Bitty/Jack]Title: take the world out for a ride
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fandom: check please!, pairing: bitty/jack, pairing type: slash, fandom: inception, fandom: raven cycle, rec: fic, fandom: the hobbit, pairing: charles/erik, pairing: adam/ronan, fandom: merlin, fandom: x-men, pairing: arthur/merlin, pairing: bilbo/thorin, pairing: arthur/eames

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gracerene September 30 2016, 17:09:30 UTC
It is!! :D


earlgreytea68 October 3 2016, 03:47:03 UTC
Awww, thank you for the rec!


gracerene October 3 2016, 15:18:47 UTC
You're welcome!


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