aftercamlann FIC: Just to Lose Control (Arthur/Merlin, NC-17)

Aug 16, 2016 13:30

I haven't talked about it too much here, but I signed up this year for the Merlin aftercamlann big bang. I've had this Arthur/Merlin Modern AU fic idea in my head since last year, but it's not my primary fandom and I wasn't sure I'd ever actually finish it. But that's one of the reasons I love fests, because they give you deadlines and motivation! :D ( Read more... )

kink: sex toys, dom!arthur, no repost, kink: whipping/strapping/flogging, kink: rimming, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, fest: aftercamlann, kink: praise!kink, bottom!merlin, kink: bondage, kink: blindfolds, kink: blow jobs, pairing: arthur/merlin, kink: anal sex, kink: d/s dynamics, au: non-magical, kink: spanking, kink: frottage, fandom: merlin, au: modern, rating: nc-17, kink: face-fucking, kink: bdsm, kink: fingering, sub!merlin

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Comments 10

nia_kantorka August 16 2016, 21:09:17 UTC
Gosh, I'm eager to read it. AU and BDSM? That's like Christmas came early this year, isn't it? It's already late, but yeah, I'll try to read it asap. :D


gracerene August 16 2016, 21:38:57 UTC
Aww, I hope you enjoy, lovely! :D

No huge rush though; don't forget to sleep! <3


nia_kantorka August 17 2016, 10:35:00 UTC
There was this mosquito in our apartment whose bites really stung and woke me up early the second night in a row.

While I was waiting for it to appear again, I read you fic. It had a very tender atmosphere for a BDSM story and I loved it. :D

In the end I even got the little beast who was full to the brim with blood.

So, I might be a bit sleep deprived but had a succesful morning. :)))


gracerene August 17 2016, 16:10:59 UTC
Oh no! Super annoying, but I'm glad you got it!

And thanks so much, lovely! Super glad you enjoyed. :D


kitty_fic August 16 2016, 22:30:32 UTC
I AM SO VERY EXCITED TO READ THIS! Definitely sounds like its the kind of thing I can get behind!

So glad you were able to participate in the ACBB!



gracerene August 17 2016, 15:30:01 UTC
Thank you so much, hon! I'm super glad I was able to participate as well!

I hope you enjoy!


capitu August 17 2016, 11:26:48 UTC
I'm so excited about this, Grace! I'm definitely going to read it. :)


gracerene August 17 2016, 15:29:10 UTC
Aww, really?? You're too sweet! I hope you enjoy if you decide to give it a go. :D


_melodic_ August 17 2016, 13:29:11 UTC
Damn you!! Adding more and more to my "to read" list. But this does sound like something I *need* to read.


gracerene August 17 2016, 16:04:33 UTC
Aww! Well, I do hope you find the time to read this and that you enjoy if you do! <3


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