because i like to cross-post

Aug 01, 2016 14:00

dicta-contrion, zeitgeistic, and I wrote a thing!

[before you get too excited, a disclaimer]While we were in Vegas, we all got a little drunk and decided that the best use of our time would be to write a summer-inspired Draco/Ron/Harry fic on our cocktail napkins. Once we all returned to our respective homes, we decided that, while the napkin!fic was quite beautiful in its brevity and illegibility, what we Read more... )

zeitgeistic, auror!draco, pairing: draco/harry/ron, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, auror!harry, kink: docking, kink: barebacking, fandom: harry potter, drunk!fic, profession: law enforcement, kink: blow jobs, kink: spitroasting, kink: anal sex, auror!ron, trope: crack!fic, bottom!draco, rating: nc-17, pairing type: threesomes and moresomes, collab, dicta_contrion

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Comments 7

zeitgeistic August 1 2016, 21:25:03 UTC

Some of my best work in this fic.


gracerene August 1 2016, 21:53:28 UTC
Absolutely. I think we were definitely firing on all cylinders for this one... :D


zeitgeistic August 1 2016, 21:25:59 UTC
Go back and re-read. It's an insta-classic. I see rec lists in our future.


dicta_contrion August 1 2016, 21:48:01 UTC
So many. So, so many.

(I did actually re-read and was still amused, but that *might* have something to do with the memories.)


gracerene August 1 2016, 22:02:30 UTC
LOL. Absolutely. We will 100% be on all of the Draco/Ron/Harry threesome rec lists for sure. :D


dicta_contrion August 1 2016, 21:46:23 UTC
Grace, grace, grace. Did you just caveat this masterpiece??? We may have been drunk, yes, but that was creativity in my glass the whole time. Drunk on CREATIVITY, damnit!! (And the pleasure of your and zeit's company, which is pretty damn amazing).


gracerene August 1 2016, 22:01:28 UTC
You're right, you're right, what was I thinking? Though really, I just wanted to make sure everybody was in the right frame of mind to consume this uniquely fantastic bit of writing. ;)

And yes, hanging out with you guys again was super fun and awesome. :D


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