FIC: Teacher's Pet, Part 6 (Charlie/Draco, PG-13)

May 06, 2016 08:00

Title: Teacher's Pet, Part 6
Author: gracerene
Pairing: Charlie/Draco
Word Count: ~500
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: professor/student
Challenge: hp-may-madness 2016 Day #6: automatic, bang, kiss, partially clothed sex
Author's Notes: Unbeta'd. FYI, there my not be an update tomorrow, as I'm seeing Captain America tonight! And then doing Museum/Shopping things tomorrow. Vamos ( Read more... )

no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, fandom: harry potter, rating: pg-13, fest: hp_may_madness, pairing: charlie/draco, kink: teacher/student relationship

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Comments 12

torino10154 May 6 2016, 15:33:49 UTC
Feelings. Oh Draco has it bad. :D Lovely.


gracerene May 6 2016, 22:44:03 UTC
Poor thing! I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. ;)


alisanne May 6 2016, 17:04:17 UTC
Oh, Draco, hon, you have it bad. *shakes head*
Poor thing. He just needs a good shag. *nods*
Lovely, hon!


gracerene May 6 2016, 22:46:28 UTC
Ooo, yes, I think a good hard shag would do Draco wonders. Unfortunately I think I'm going to torture him a little longer. ;)


kerrilee75 May 6 2016, 19:37:08 UTC
Dammit, I'm hooked. When I saw the prompt for partially clothed sex I was like "No sex yet!! I need more UST and pining!" So glad you feel the same. ;)


gracerene May 6 2016, 22:49:27 UTC
Haha, of course! I definitely plan on torturing poor Charlie and Draco for at least another week or two. ;)


_melodic_ May 6 2016, 20:41:25 UTC
Oooo my lovely, dear Draco, what shall we do about your growing feelings?

snog, Charlie, yup!


gracerene May 6 2016, 22:47:07 UTC
I definitely think snogging is on the agenda eventually. ;)


lijahlover May 7 2016, 05:54:44 UTC
Oh no poor Draco is in love.


gracerene May 7 2016, 23:20:26 UTC
The poor thing! :)


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