H/D Fic: Not Just When You Want to Be - Epilogue

Mar 11, 2016 08:05

Title: Not Just When You Want to Be
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry, Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny, background Ron/Hermione, mention of Draco/OMCs
Rating: eventual NC-17
Word Count: ~1,400/~37,000
Content/Warnings: post-war, post-hogwarts, auror Harry, professional Seeker Draco, blow jobs, fingering, first time, anal sex, rimming, ( Read more... )

trope: breakup!fic, era: epilogue compliant, no repost, my fanfic, era: post-hogwarts, are you mine?, trope: friends with benefits, fandom: harry potter, pairing: draco/harry

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Comments 4

llaeyro March 11 2016, 17:26:52 UTC
Bide your time Draco, it'll be alright in the end! ♥♥♥

Gosh, we made it! I didn't cry, but there's a lot of inner turmoil going on right now. I may have to come back in a day or two to tell you how I actually feel about this fic as a whole, cause right now I can't even brain. There are just too many feels to process! Well done my lovely x


gracerene March 12 2016, 17:24:50 UTC

I'm so thrilled you enjoyed, darling, and it's been so lovely having you follow along and comment on this as it posted. This was definitely a labor of love for me, and it's made me so happy to hear about you enjoying it! :D


sabrinasmom3 March 13 2016, 23:26:45 UTC
I read all 3 parts of this series last night and this morning, in chronological order, not the order it looks like they were written. I loved them all, but the end of this one broke my heart. [Spoiler Alert] The allusions in Midnight helped, but I am really hoping there will be additional parts to expand on it. Please?


gracerene March 15 2016, 14:28:17 UTC
I'm glad you've enjoyed the series so far! I do indeed have an H/D sequel planned that will take place between What I'm Waiting to Find and Midnight. :D


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