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Comments 7

tryslora January 4 2016, 23:55:18 UTC
<3 Thank you so much, hon.


gracerene January 5 2016, 01:35:31 UTC
You're welcome! ♥


entrenous88 January 5 2016, 01:36:10 UTC
Thank you very much for including Logical Erotics! And I still have Check, Please! on my to-read list just so that I can check out some of the fics you've recced in that fandom!


gracerene January 5 2016, 02:13:08 UTC
You're welcome! And yay!! It's so super awesome, I definitely recommend. Plus the MC loves to bake! :D


(The comment has been removed)

gracerene January 5 2016, 21:45:24 UTC

And it went good! Very different from my last job, and I have a lot to learn, but I am excited, and the people seem cool so far. :)


capitu January 5 2016, 12:24:49 UTC
I hope to hear more about your first day! *hugs*


gracerene January 5 2016, 22:09:30 UTC
So far, so good! I've got a lot to learn, but I like it so far. :) I'll have more to say in a few weeks when I get a little more used to things.


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