Fic: Right Here (James Sirius/Victoire, NC-17)

Dec 02, 2015 09:00

And here is the last of my hp-nextgen-fest submissions. Also het! What is up with that? Though there are definite slashy implications. Also, I think you'll note that all three of my submissions involved James Sirius Potter. Because I love him, and I think everybody else should, too.

Title: Right Here
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: James/Victoire, past ( Read more... )

trope: breakup!fic, pairing: james sirius/victoire, no repost, my fanfic, fandom: harry potter, kink: incest, rating: nc-17, pairing type: next gen, fest: hp_nextgen_fest, pairing type: het

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Comments 2

nia_kantorka December 2 2015, 17:22:59 UTC
I loved this one, hon. It stayed fresh in my mind even reading so many other stories. I'd love to see James and Teddy's meeting here and yet I think it was perfect this way.


gracerene December 2 2015, 19:49:07 UTC
Thanks, darling! Quite different from my usual, but I had fun with this one. :)


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