FIC: Your One Chance With a Celebrity (Draco/Harry, NC-17)

Nov 27, 2015 09:00

Title: Your One Chance With a Celebrity
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,300
Content/Warnings: blow jobs, filthy loo sex, semi-public!sex
Summary: Ministry functions are boring. Usually.
Notes: Written for torino10154's Blow Job Friday. 8===D O :

Thanks to capitu and fantasyfiend09 for looking this over for me! I played around with ( Read more... )

no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, era: post-hogwarts, kink: public!sex, fest: blow job friday, 50 reasons to have sex, fandom: harry potter, pairing: draco/harry, kink: bathroom!sex, kink: blow jobs

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Comments 21

piratesmile331 November 27 2015, 17:34:45 UTC
Oh, great twist there! This was scorchingly hot! I really loved all the banter.


gracerene November 27 2015, 18:44:31 UTC
Thanks so much! :D


divertazsc November 27 2015, 17:52:39 UTC
Love hot bathroom sex and the twist of role play made it even sweeter.


gracerene November 27 2015, 18:44:47 UTC
Thanks, hon! Glad you enjoyed. :D


lq_traintracks November 27 2015, 18:28:14 UTC
Niiiice! I love how toppy Draco was about it all and how Harry was such an adorably hot dork! That little strangled laugh he gave was the best. :-D Totally hot and then sweet at the end. <3


gracerene November 27 2015, 18:45:35 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm happy you liked their dynamic here. :)


lq_traintracks November 27 2015, 20:57:36 UTC
Oh and your little dick-into-mouth drawing is cracking me up! :-DDD


gracerene November 27 2015, 21:48:52 UTC
LOL! I'm glad you noticed that! I was absurdly proud of how it turned out. ;)


torino10154 November 27 2015, 18:49:09 UTC
Wonderful twist!! Love how Draco's the demanding one, sucking Harry off on his own terms. *g* Super hot, great job!


gracerene November 27 2015, 20:03:33 UTC
Thanks, hon! :D


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gracerene November 27 2015, 22:08:13 UTC
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed and were surprised by the ending! :)


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