FIC: To Celebrate Recent Weight Loss (Draco/Harry, PG-13)

Nov 10, 2015 09:00

Title: To Celebrate Recent Weight Loss
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 500
Content/Warnings: established relationship
Summary: Having a desk job comes with side effects.
Notes: Just a short one this week and shockingly smutless. I know, I know! But I decided to see how well I could do with keeping things ( Read more... )

established relationship, rating: pg-13, no repost, my fanfic, pairing: draco/harry, 50 reasons to have sex, fandom: harry potter

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Comments 12

capitu November 10 2015, 20:28:24 UTC
I love this, it's different from all the other ones, because we get to see them under a different light. I love that Harry was so proactive, and I love the Draco fought him about it. :D It says a lot about their relationship. :D


gracerene November 11 2015, 16:05:19 UTC
Thank you, hon! This was definitely a bit of a different vibe from my other fic in the series, so that was fun to work with. :)


birdsofshore November 10 2015, 22:08:17 UTC
Oh YES! God, I love this. I found it burning hot, them both appraising Harry's new fitter body. I know there was no sex, but it was delicious, and it didn't need it - we know what's going to happen, and the UST is MMMMMMMMM, and their relationship is really charming as well as sexy.


gracerene November 11 2015, 16:23:59 UTC
Oh, yay! I really wasn't sure if this one worked the way I wanted it to, so I'm really glad to hear the tension and their relationship shown through. :D


fantasyfiend09 November 11 2015, 02:06:09 UTC
This is equal parts inspiring and hot. I'd be willing to take up morning runs if Draco and Harry would run with me and then let me watch.


gracerene November 11 2015, 16:03:34 UTC
LOL! I know, right? I might be more willing to exercise if I had Draco and Harry to incentivize me. ;)


enchanted_jae November 11 2015, 02:33:58 UTC


gracerene November 11 2015, 16:02:32 UTC
Thanks! :D


amorette November 11 2015, 15:24:42 UTC
I am obsessed with this. First of all, I LOVE Harry putting on a few pounds, Idk why, I think it's just one of my weird things. And the way you described the reason was so believable and awesome, like, of course as Head Auror he'd be in the office more and would have gained weight. Like, YES! Idk why I find that so hot O.O

And him yelling at Draco LOLOL! And Draco's reaction :D Omg so amazing and sweet and funny and perfect.

And when they did their regimen together (hot) and then timed themselves and set goals (hot) and then Draco admiring Harry's body (HOT!). Omg so hot I can't.

I love this so much, it really is just... gah... perfect.


gracerene November 11 2015, 16:29:22 UTC
Oh this comment is too sweet! I'm so glad you enjoyed this slightly out of shape Harry, and that you thought his reasons for being so felt believable.

I wanted a supportive Draco who didn't mind a pudgier Harry, but who would go out and help Harry lose wight if that's what would make him happy.

Plus getting sweaty together is never a bad thing. ;)

I'm still just so thrilled that you enjoyed this little thing so much! Thanks for the lovely comment, and the rec, darling! <33


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