Rectober #13: HP Recs

Oct 29, 2015 14:00

So I actually didn't read too much non-H/D Harry Potter fic this month. :/

Most of my other pairing efforts went into proofing for hp-nextgen-fest, and I cannot wait to share all of the fabulous submissions with ya'll, but we still have another couple of days. ;)

In the meantime, here are a few HP things I enjoyed recently. :)

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fest: hp_silencio, fest: hp_adoptaprompt, pairing type: slash, rec: fic, rec: art, fandom: harry potter, pairing: albus severus/scorpius, pairing type: femslash

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Comments 3

lq_traintracks October 29 2015, 22:32:47 UTC
Awwww, thank you! We had a really great time writing that together. I'm so happy you enjoyed it! :-)


gracerene October 30 2015, 03:20:55 UTC


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gracerene October 31 2015, 16:50:33 UTC
You're welcome, hon! Albus/Scorpius can be hit or miss for me, and I just adored this one! :D


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