Rectober #8: Top 25 All Time Favorite Fics

Oct 20, 2015 10:00

Several months ago I started thinking about my favorite fanfics. Obviously my rec lists are basically just lists of my favorite fics, but even among those, I have my favorites. The ones I read again and again, the ones I read when I need comfort, or want to feel some gut-punch feels, or want to roll around in the meant-to-be love. I decided that it ( Read more... )

fandom: kingsman, fandom: the hobbit, fandom: sherlock, fandom: harry potter, fandom: thor, fandom: smallville, fandom:, fandom: teen wolf, favorite, fandom: marvel, fandom: inception, rec: fic, *for me, fandom: merlin, fandom: x-men, fandom: a song of ice and fire, fandom: star trek, fandom: the avengers

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Comments 26

nia_kantorka October 20 2015, 17:15:10 UTC
Oh, what a lovely list. Most of those I read as well would be on my all time favourites list too, like Pet, Student Prince, Midnight BS, Performance, Anarchy. We differ in HP because I'd pick Turn!Verse over Foundation!Verse. Will bookmark it for further use... ;p

Btw, I'm reading An Expected Journey at the moment and I'm sure you recced that one. I'm not sure though if last rectober or some other times. It's fabulous. So, thanks for the rec! :D


gracerene October 21 2015, 03:37:18 UTC
It seems like most people prefer Turn!Verse, and I adore Turn, but I definitely prefer foundations. :)

And yes, I definitely recced that awhile ago! I'm glad you're enjoying! She's writing a sequel right now that is delightful. :)


nia_kantorka October 21 2015, 05:30:43 UTC
Turn was my first fic ever. No wonder, I'm still in love with it. Foundation!Verse is brilliant too. It's hard to choose. ;p

Yes. I saw that the sequel is already more than halt finished. :)


kitty_fic October 20 2015, 17:17:49 UTC
Great list! I'm super excited to find a few here that I've never read that definitely look like they appeal to me :D



gracerene October 21 2015, 03:38:17 UTC

Well I hope you enjoy them if you decide to give things a read. :)


aldiara October 20 2015, 19:12:47 UTC
That is one impressive list. I will bookmark for future reference :D

(Have you read any of Naomi Novik's (astolat) published works? They are rather different from her fic - natch - but very enjoyable as well.)


gracerene October 21 2015, 03:39:34 UTC

And OMG no! I didn't realized she had published works! I'll have to give those a looksie!


aldiara October 21 2015, 08:39:10 UTC
*briefly gets stuck icon-ogling*

Right, books. Yes. Dooooo eeeeet :D There are a couple queer characters in the Temeraire books, though it's not a heavy focus. Everyone is eminently slashable tho, lol.


nia_kantorka October 21 2015, 05:25:18 UTC
Ah, didn't know that and have read a few of them. Great idea and I loved the first Temeraire book (the others not so much).
It's always so interesting to see the published work of fic authors. :D


gryffindorj October 20 2015, 19:20:23 UTC

I enjoy this list because there are fics I adore on it as well and some I haven't read yet which makes me really excited to read them!


gracerene October 21 2015, 03:40:15 UTC

Well I hope you enjoy if you decide to give any a read!


snowgall October 20 2015, 19:53:29 UTC
Fantastic list! And I don't know how you did it, because I have a hard time narrowing my favorites down to 25 fics in a given *year*, and that's even limiting myself to one ship in one fandom!

But totally agree with you about Draco Malfoy, It's Your Lucky Day - definitely a "Dessert Isle Keeper" for me :) I love all the rest of your DH recs too, but especially that one!


gracerene October 21 2015, 03:42:16 UTC
I know! But it was actually almost easier than doing the same thing for just H/D. Because I haven't read as much on most of the other fandoms, so my favorites are easier to choose. HP was still pretty impossible, and I'm still not positive I chose the right ones, but luckily I'm not actually being forced to only read these fics forever! :D


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