Harry Potter Art Recs (Non H/D)

Oct 09, 2015 10:00

Part two of my Harry Potter fanart rec repost! This one's a bit smaller, and by no means comprehensive. But here are a few of my favorite non-H/D HP fanarts. If any of ya'll have any recs for me, I'd be thrilled to have them! :D


♥ = favorite

updated July 2, 2016

[Slash Art]Slash Art

Title: Summer at the Burrow
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pairing: draco/ron, pairing: albus severus/james sirius, fest: severus_fest, kink: sex toys, kink: pegging, rec: comic, trope: marriage!fic, era: marauders, pairing type: femslash, fest: ron_draco_fest, kink: incest, kink: blindfolds, pairing: james/lily, kink: dub-con, bottom!harry, fest: harryronreunion, pairing: ginny/luna, pairing: james sirius/teddy, pairing: ginny/pansy, pairing: minerva/poppy, pairing: harry/sirius, pairing: charlie/harry, fest: minerva_fest, challenge: rectober, pairing: fleur/tonks, pairing: ginny/lily, pairing type: cross gen, kink: frottage, rating: nc-17, pairing: harry/lily luna, fest: hp_crossgenfest, rating: pg, pairing type: next gen, pairing: luna/rose, pairing: lavender/pansy, profession: musicians & rockstars, kink: underage, kink: role play, tattoos, fest: dm_asp_fest, pairing type: slash, kink: rimming, fest: hp_goldenage, kink: medical!kink, fandom: harry potter, fest: hprarefest, pairing: remus/sirius, pairing: albus severus/draco, pairing type: het, trope: made them do it, profession: unusual job, creature: incubus, kink: d/s dynamics, pairing: harry/scorpius, rec: art, pairing: harry/ron, pairing: albus severus/scorpius, pairing: ludo/gilderoy, pairing: dean/parvati, pairing: harry/ginny, pairing: charlie/draco, trope: holiday!fic, profession: lawyer

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Comments 7

nearlyconscious October 9 2015, 21:06:29 UTC

Oh yaaaaay so much to see! And thank you for the rec!! :)


gracerene October 9 2015, 22:10:44 UTC
You're welcome! :D


amorette October 9 2015, 21:35:16 UTC
Wow all of these are fantastic, I will be bookmarking some, thanks for putting this together.


gracerene October 9 2015, 22:11:03 UTC
Of course! Enjoy the pretty! <3


(The comment has been removed)

gracerene October 11 2015, 01:13:34 UTC
You're welcome! And yeah, ericahpfa's stuff is just stunning!


thilia October 11 2015, 04:01:42 UTC
Thanks for all the recs!! :) Gotta check out the others now.


gracerene October 12 2015, 15:39:06 UTC
You're welcome! :D


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