Draco/Harry Art Recs

Oct 08, 2015 10:00

I'm not sure these *technically* count as Rectober recs, since I'm not including *why* I'm reccing them. But I needed to repost my HP art rec posts, because it was starting to get too big for LJ to handle, and I figured Rectober would be as good a time as any to do that ( Read more... )

era: epilogue compliant, auror!harry, fest: hp_creatures, profession: potionsmaster, kink: partially clothed sex, fest: do_me_veela, omega!draco, profession: actors and models, fest: hp_kinkfest, pairing: draco/harry, profession: pirate, kink: a/b/o dynamics, bottom!harry, rating: g, era: hogwarts, fest: hd_remix, bottom!draco, rating: nc-17, au: royalty, au: gangster, kink: infidelity, dom!draco, profession: unspeakable, kink: knotting, tattoos, major character death, kink: public!sex, kink: panty!kink, fest: harry_submits, sub!harry, fandom: harry potter, kink: bondage, fest: hd_inspired, fest: kink_n_squick, au, switching, alpha!harry, rating: pg-13, fest: hds_beltane, kink: praise!kink, rec: comic, profession: artists and photographers, fest: serpentinelion's glomp fest, fest: hd_smoochfest, rec: art video, fest: hd_erised, au: fusion, creature: mermaids & sirens, kink: feminization, kink: outdoor!sex, fest: hd_fanart, kink: role play, pairing type: slash, kink: car!sex, era: post-hogwarts, fest: hd_holidays, trope: mpreg, kink: cross-dressing, fest: hd_eighthyear, fest: hd_fan_fair's career fair, era: eighth year, fest: dracotops_harry, profession: unusual job, fest: hd_collab, rec: art, kink: mpreg, au: non-magical, animagus!draco, creature: veela, established relationship, rating: r, profession: lawyer

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Comments 23

this_bloody_cat October 8 2015, 17:07:05 UTC
Oh! Thank you! :D


gracerene October 8 2015, 17:28:21 UTC
You & iwao teaming up are a force to be reckoned with! :D


tryslora October 8 2015, 17:28:52 UTC
I have a printout of In My Veins (from Draconis Affectionitis) hanging on my wall (I asked permission first, of course!) at work. I absolutely adore that piece--it so perfectly captured the feeling of the scene and the fic, and it is just gorgeous in its own right. A well-deserved rec for a wonderful piece!!


gracerene October 8 2015, 19:23:46 UTC
It's so lovely and worked perfectly with your fic! :D


savagesnakes October 8 2015, 17:29:10 UTC
Naw, thank you! ❤️❤️❤️


gracerene October 8 2015, 17:56:16 UTC
You're welcome! :D


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gracerene October 8 2015, 19:23:09 UTC
Yay art!

And you should totally copy me! And then I can look at all your recs. win win. :D


snowgall October 8 2015, 18:03:53 UTC
Wow! This is an *awesome* list. I haven't gone through them all yet, but I LOVE that you organized it by date! ♥♥♥ I know I'm going to be spending a lot of time checking all of these out!

Thank you!


gracerene October 8 2015, 19:29:58 UTC
LOL, I know how much you like dates! And it definitely just seemed to make the most sense to organize them this way.

I hope you enjoy the pretty art! :D


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