you can fit more kittens in a swimming pool | jason, leo, piper

Dec 16, 2010 02:36

title. you can fit more kittens in a swimming pool
characters. jason, leo, piper
fandom. pjo (heroes of olympus)
details. 619 words . vaguely inspired by an 'A Softer World' comic and a subsequent conversation about it, which is where the title (and tagline) came from.

It wasn't that Leo didn't like cats.

He did! He thought were, um, great. As long as they weren't scratching him or giving him dirty looks or swiping his stuff or ripping up the furniture or getting hair all over his clothes or making his mom sneeze.

So, okay, maybe he didn't like cats very much.

Another thing about cats is that they seemed to have a sixth sense for people who didn't like cats, and any time he was in the observable vicinity of a feline of some sort, it would be drawn inexorably towards him like he had a magnetic field. A magnetic kitten field.

It was bad enough already, but then they went to Greece.

Jason took one look at him and burst out laughing; he had to lean forward and brace his hands on his thighs because he was laughing too hard, not at the cats - though, okay, that was funny too - but mostly at the look on Leo's face, the honest-to-gods do not want, get me out of here, I am covered in vile poison, Jason, HELLLLLP!

And he was. Head to toe, impossibly, covered in cats. There were cats on his shoulders. Cats in his arms. Cats curled up and shoving each other on his lap. Cats rubbing his legs. Cats cats cats.

"That is freaking adorable," Jason said, when he'd stopped laughing long enough to be able to talk.

Leo rolled his eyes and frowned. "Some best friend you are," he muttered.

"All right, all right," he said. "Here - " and he tried to help, really he did. He got a few cats off of Leo's shoulders and freed up one of his arms (all of them sticking to Jason like he was some kind of cat-oriented flypaper - catpaper) but Leo could only shake his arm out once before another handful of cats materialized, zeroed in on him, and accommodated the vacancies.

Jason laughed again. "Man, you are doomed."

"Shouldn't your crazy wolf powers be scaring them away or something?" Leo whined.

Jason - who was cradling his three catpaper cats like he actually enjoyed them - snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I don't think it works like that. I'm not the wolfman, I just grew up with them."

"Oh." Leo's face fell. "Damn."

Piper came out to find them, and of course she got the giggles and basically made endless fun of Leo's predicament, but after some scowling and cajoling she liberated a few from his lap, and he could almost stand up - almost.

Three more cats took their place.

Jason and Piper exchanged an equal look of 'yep, he's screwed', but because they were nice friends, they took seats on either side of them and cuddled their kittens and kept him company. Which was all right. It was better than all right, really, especially when they started naming them, and Jason kept giving them names of terrible Roman emperors ('That one's Nero. Leo's going to set him on fire.' 'Jason!' 'And that one's Elagabalus, just look at him!') and Piper named all of her cats after terrible roles her father had played before he became famous. And somehow, none of the cats scratched him, or bit, or did anything except from cuddle and purr and fall asleep on him.

The sun was warm, and Leo kind of wanted to fall asleep too. So, that was okay, then. These cats weren't so bad.

Well. As long as he never needed to stand up again.

fandom: percy jackson and the..., genre: cats and more cats, there is no pairing take that, fanfiction

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