come at me with your full strength ♥ edge/rydia, irvine/yuffie

Dec 15, 2010 01:07

title. come at me with your full strength
pairings. edge/rydia, irvine/yuffie [radiant heights canon]
written for. hey_giffy OMFG HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Yuffie remembered Rydia, because it was kinda difficult not to remember Rydia, what with the green hair and propensity for sequins. They'd gone to high school together, when Yuffie was still kind of a girl and thought she was going to be an animator. (She couldn't draw for crap, and that was the big sticking point.) Rydia could draw. It was the next thing Yuffie remembered, after the hair and the clothes. Rydia's art made her want to cry herself to sleep. Not because she felt inadequate (if was impossible to feel inadequate when you were so obviously outclassed) but because it was simply beautiful.

It was one of those chance things. Pure coincidence. She was at work; she answered her next call, and heard a very familiar voice.

"I spilled turpentine on my keyboard. That's bad, isn't it?"

Once the requisite re-introductions had been made (Rydia actually remembered who she was, which, wow) and the technical problem somewhat solved ('Let me put it this way - you're fucked'), it was decided upon that they definitely needed to get together sometime, and why not this weekend?

"Oh, uh," Yuffie stammered. "My boyfriend's coming over this weekend - I mean, we didn't really have plans but I don't want to - "

On the other side of the line, though, Rydia gasped. "You have a boyfriend? Perfect! Bring him and I can bring mine and we can have a double date. Sound fun?"

Rydia had a fucked up idea of 'fun'. Yuffie considered the pros and cons of telling her this.

"Sounds great. Where to?"

And that's how Yuffie and Irvine ended up going for sushi with Yuffie's highschool friend and her highschool friend's boyfriend.

Rydia looked exactly the same. No, seriously. Her hair was still green, she still wore blue lipstick, she still parted her hair on the left and still wore a big barrette in it. Yuffie was uncomfortably aware of just how much she herself had changed - she was still in shorts and thigh-highs, but they were black and white striped instead of lacy, her hair was short, and she hadn't worn makeup in years.

"Yuffie!" Rydia practically jumped at her and smushed her with an overenthusiastic hug. "And, is this your boyfriend?"

Irvine, grinning widely, took her hand and kissed the back of it. "Sure is. My name's Irvine, and you must be Rydia."

She laughed, light and bell-like, and put a hand over her heart. "Such a gentleman!" she exclaimed to Yuffie, who just sort of smiled and nodded. I mean, yeah, he was mostly, but half the time she didn't even know what to do with it -

"Hey, hey, who's puttin' moves on my girl?"

And this must be Rydia's beau. He was a little shorter than her - which, ha ha - wore a light purple shirt and black jeans, and had a permanent shit-eating grin on his face. He was also ridiculously familiar.

Yuffie frowned.

Rydia laughed again and shoved at his shoulder; he wrapped an arm around her in retaliation and the grin softened to something bright and lovely as he kissed her cheek. "Edge, this is Yuffie and Irvine; Yuffie and Irvine, this is my ridiculous boyfriend Edge."

Yuffie's frown deepened. Edge finally caught sight of her and he, too, had a similar reaction - a puzzled frown, coupled with narrow, searching eyes. "....You look really familiar," he said.

"Yeah, I was just thinking the - what's your name? I mean, your last name," obviously, and open mouth insert other foot thank you Yuffie gbye.

"Geraldine. Well, okay technically that's my mom's name, my family name is Eblan."

Eblan. Eblan. Yuffie squeaked and bounced up on the balls of her feet. "Eiji!"

His brow furrowed but suddenly, suddenly he understood and his eyes bugged out and his grin split to enormous, campy proportions. "Yuuri! Oh my god, I can't believe it - come here!" She ran and jumped and he grabbed her, spun her around in a big wide circle before setting her down. "Holy crap you're... you're still short." The shit-eating grin was back. "I so called that one."

Rydia and Irvine were both very confused, but Rydia was dealing with it by tilting her head to one side and Irvine was talking to the hostess, who'd come to lead them to a table.

"Hey guys - let's move this inside, yeah?"

Once they were all seated and tea was served, Yuffie explained.

"Edge and I used to play together when we were kids. Our families had an alliance back then, but then stuff happened - I don't even know - and now they're mortal enemies." She nodded matter-of-factly, and rolled her eyes. Ninja families. Way too confusing.

Edge, however, looked serious for a moment. "...someone from your family killed my parents," he muttered. "We've kind of - I've kind of held a grudge ever since. Well, I did." He frowned, and glanced sideways at Rydia, who patted him on the back. "I kind of came to a realization that - being angry, it didn't solve anything. None of the ninja business solved anything." He quickly stopped talking as a waitress came to take their order, and waited until she was truly gone before speaking again. "I left it behind. All of it, all of Eblan. That's why I go by my mom's name now."

Yuffie nodded, slowly. She hadn't even known. I mean, she knew that people died, that much was obvious - they were practically the Japanese mafia. But she'd never known anyone directly affected by it. And, as much as she kept her distance, she still rode on the novelty of being part of a ninja clan. She was still a member, she was still, technically, expected to join up full time. But that would involve marrying Ienzo, and - no. Just no.

"Yeah, well." She leaned her head toward Irvine and rolled her eyes, shrugging. "It's only a matter of time."

There was a sad bit of silence, before Edge caught up the slack. "...Hey. Let's put it behind us, yeah? Best part is that we're friends again, and you're friends with Rydia so obviously you're still awesome, and - your boyfriend isn't a pirate, is he?" He was frowning at Irvine's hat.

Yuffie burst out laughing. "No, dumbass, that's a cowboy hat. He's a cowboy."

"Really?!" Edge was unreasonably excited about this. "Wait - have you ever ridden a horse bareback?"

Irvine snorted. "Uh, yeah."

"Can you spin a lasso?!"

The rest of the evening went much like this, with Edge shouting out cowboy questions and Irvine laughing himself silly while answering, and the girls invented their own sign language that basically consisted of lol we are so fucked, where did we find these people? And after dinner they went back to Yuffie's house and played Mario Party. So all in all, it was about a hundred times more amazing than Yuffie could have hoped, and a million times better than she was expecting.

And they lived happily ever after, as long as nobody mentioned Rubicante Kisaragi.

pairing: edge/rydia, fandom: final fantasy, pairing: irvine/yuffie, fanfiction

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