The Best-Laid Plans (Triton/Annabeth, PG)

Jun 23, 2010 02:32

Triton/Annabeth . 381 words . PG . This is an epilogue of sorts to zombie!fic, may end up included in it, and has spoilers. Read at your own risk.

They were standing in the street, amidst all the rubble and bodies and dazed survivors, when Triton pulled out the ring that very nearly started it all.

"I was going to take you underwater," he murmured. "To my favorite reef - I don't know what you humans call it, but to us it's Yinyisaia, the Promised Land. I was going to keep it in an oyster shell, instead of the little velvet box, and I would have somehow achieved a version of getting down on one knee. Possibly with tantric yoga." He was still staring down at the little piece of jewelry in his hands, fitting neatly in the hollow of his palm. "...I had everything planned."

Annabeth was a crimson red now, all the way to the roots of her hair, and her eyes kept darting left and right, as if someone overhearing them could possibly think it strange, after all that had happened. Of course, no one even looked up. She sighed, smiling, and reached out to cup his hand in both of hers, cradling the precious gift between them both. "We could go there for the honeymoon," she pointed out.

"We could," he said, "though I must confess I did have plans for our honeymoon that involved not having a tail," he added, his voice wry and mild. "I believe there is something about you, Annabeth Chase, that does not like it when I have plans."

Their eyes met and she smiled like something wise and brilliant, like the sea itself that he was a part of. "I like to keep you guessing," she whispered.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

"I'll think about it."

He waited, one eyebrow inching slowly up and a grin twisting into the corners of his mouth. "...Have you thought about it?"

"Yeah," she said, and it was getting harder and harder to keep a straight face, harder and harder not to beam outright. "I think I would love to marry you."

"It would be terribly awkward if you didn't, especially after all that talk of our honeymoon."

"Visit the Promised Land, then go somewhere and have lots and lots of sex?"

He smirked. "Isn't that what you do when the zombie apocalypse is nigh?"

pairing: triton/annabeth, fandom: percy jackson and the..., rating: pg, claim: schmoop_bingo, drabble

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