Title: The Imp of the Perverse Author: igrab Pairing: Kirk/Bones Word Count: 3,572 Notes: [Spoiler (click to open)]Rating: R for gore. Gore gore gore. if you have a weak stomach, do not read this. jesus christ i don't know what came over me. i blame t_hy_la. seriously, this is downright morbid. title is from edgar allen poe. if you see any errors, let me know? honestly, I'm too
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His nightmare makes perfect sense, actually, given his fears and his profession. That's not to say it wasn't creepy as fuck, but it made perfect sense.
You redeemed it with the ending. *pets Bones and Jim*
Now I need to go to bed and hope my dreams are better than Bones's :)
Uh, gory. And a very sweet end. I really like Bones. And you did a great job on the nightmare!Funny enough, the one true nightmare I remember as an adult is being alone in the ICU with people dropping dead all around me (I was a med student at the time) so I can totally relate to this.
Comments 47
I was halfway through before I realized it was a nightmare, and I was saying out loud "THIS BETTER BE A NIGHTMARE". Thank fuck it was.
And then awwww the ending is so beautiful. Poor Bones.
seriously, amazing. LOVE IT. <3
You redeemed it with the ending. *pets Bones and Jim*
Now I need to go to bed and hope my dreams are better than Bones's :)
night night! i'm sure they will be ;D
I loved the last scene because it was just right side of intimate.
|D thank you.
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