☈ In Dreams We See Our Fates Revealed • Cast

Dec 06, 2011 14:26

• Zeus Jupiter •It's just a stage name. His real name is Zeus Olympias, but that was a mouthful and Zeus Jupiter has a nice ring to it, don't you think? His fan-created nickname is Jove, which he absolutely adores. He's a horrible egocentric histrionic prat, but he makes beautiful music so it's worth it. Oh, and sometimes he dreams that his manager takes the stage.

• Hera Basilea •How she got into the music business is something of a mystery, because it's obvious that it's all just business to her. She's never seen with her hair down, never seen in anything but pencil skirts and blazers, and she's the only reason Zeus hasn't completely cocked himself up yet. She has to be fond of him, there are plenty of easier bands to manage and she certainly goes above and beyond the job description to keep Zeus's head out of his ass. Or maybe she just likes a challenge.

• Hermes Kriphoros • Apollo Didymaeus • Artemis Didymaeus •They're sort of an indie band, with a heavy celtic influence and a lot of lyrics that look meaningful on paper but Hermes just spewed them off the top of his head. Apollo's pretty protective of his crowd-shy big sister, but she'll occasionally flare up and go off on one of her feminist rants, to which Apollo and Hermes have no response to. Anyway, it's Hermes's fault that their lives are about to get a lot more interesting, and very probably not in the good way.

• Poseidon Olympias • Amphitrite Olympias • Triton Olympias •Poseidon, who usually goes by 'Don', would really love to have a normal life. Wife, kids, nine to five job, white picket fence, the whole deal. And, well, he sort of has the first two. But it seems like everyone around him is conspiring against his dreams of normality - his older brother, wanted by the FBI. His younger brother, a world-famous rockstar. His wife, the world's leading deep-sea ecobiologist - and his son. His son, who isn't famous yet, but he's a teenager. That's more than enough.

• Hades Olympias • Persephone Thesmophoros • Demeter Thesmophoros •Oh, right. That whole FBI thing. Well, to be fair, it had started as a kidnapping - something simple, kidnap the daughter of a Greenpeace leader for money, it should not have been a problem. It only became a problem when, for one, Ms. Thesmophoros resolutely refused to pay up (resorting to something under the table and far more annoying) - and when Hades fell head over heels in love with his hostage. That was five years ago, though, and now that Persephone's twenty rather than fifteen, it should be far less of an issue that she wanted to stay with him. But, no, her mother is just as much of a clingy kidnapping bastard as he is, and there's still a warrant out for his arrest. And, as much as he denies it, he really doesn't want to get either of his two high-profile, upstanding brothers into trouble.

• Narcissus Lycorine • Echo Oread •She's sort of his girlfriend. Sort of. They go out sometimes, but they don't kiss, and she has a feeling it's because Cissie's far too in love with himself to see anyone else as a real person. She doesn't mind. He's a good friend and a good sort-of boyfriend, and she loves him, she really does. Plus, he got her this job, which she'd desperately needed, and even if it meant working with the world's most overdramatic philanderer, it was still a job. Plus, she rather liked working with Ms. Basilea. She certainly knew how to handle Jove.

• Alcides Herakleia • Hebe Juventas •She works for Zeus, yes. That's because she does wonders with his precious face, despite how rough he uses it, and no matter how many times they threaten to fire her, she knows they won't. Of course, this just means it'll be easier to leave when the time comes - she's waiting for her Prince Charming, you see, and when she meets him, she's leaving all of this behind her.

• Ganymede Tros •Yes, he's a boy. Yes, he likes to crossdress and pass as a girl. Yes, that's how he got all his makeup experience, and yes, he mixes his own formulas. This is an art, a calling, it's not the sort of thing you can do without putting your heart and soul into it. And if he meets a handsome man at a jazz bar who offers him a makeup job? Perhaps. It's a possibility.

• Aphrodite Ourania Pandemos • Pallas Athena • Ares Polemos • Hephaestus Kullopodíon •Aphrodite and Athena have been Hera's friends since high school, but lately, their friendship has sort of degenerated into buying lunch and listening to Aphrodite's latest conquest. She's almost bipolar about the way she feels about her husband - sometimes she loves him to the ends of the Earth, sometimes she hates him, hates his face, his job, his limp, everything. She always comes back to him, but lately she's been talking about this one side man quite a lot - a singer as well, and when Hera hears who it is, she gets a very bad foreboding feeling.

series: in dreams we see..., fandom: mythology

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